Too soon for a plateau!

So today was weigh in #3 and Im not at all happy! I didnt loose even one ounce! Ok so Hubby is all like well I can see your legs getting more muscular and the fact you quit smoking and arent gaining, thats a huge deal. Yeah I guess he is right but Im still bummed! I worked out more this past week that before (added more time) I woke up alot of mornings not feeling like it but I still pushed myself to do it anyway and my payoff is zilch!
Bought an ab lounge and Gazelle yesterday (Craigslist) but wont be able to track calories burned on either until I get a HRM.
You know what really P's me off? My grandsons birthday party was at Chuck E Cheese yesterday and I had WATER! I didnt eat pizza or cake or even drink a lemonade and still......
Guess it was that one slice of cheesecake earlier in the week! But even that day I was still under calories! I dont know...just bummed!


  • Natural
    Natural Posts: 461 Member
    i've been at the same weight for 10 days. not sure why, been busting my hump. i will be adding more strength training this week to see if that helps.
  • ame337
    ame337 Posts: 27
    I did the same, I lost 5lbs and stayed there for over a week.. now I lost 1 more lb.. it will come off eventually. Don't give up
  • pbonsell
    I feel the same as you- my first weigh in, I actually gained 3 pounds! if that wasent enough my second weigh in, nothing had changed, and on my third weigh in and I lost only 1 pound- of the first three I gained while dieting in the first place! Ive increased my excercising and like you im really going without the treats. I feel as frustrated as you!
    my only consoladation to you is that your not alone in how your feeling
  • animatedbecca
    Well I originally hoped for 2 lbs a week loss, the first two weeks I lost a pound a week and was fine with that,even though I was wishing it was double, But on the third week when Ive worked out more? BLAH!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Most likely you lost a little weight, but due to the increase in your workout activity your body is retaining more water. A lot of time when starting a new, or increasing the intensity, of a workout program the muscles get broken down and get surrounded by water to help them repair. Drink more water and continue doing what you are doing and you will see results.
  • michelle1980
    You are most likely gaining some muscle since you have been working out, I'm sure u know that muscle weighs more than fat...which explains why the scale is not moving. Don't worry I went through the same thing, people don't believe me when I tell them how much I weigh cause I have a lot of muscle. I would say you are losing inches, and just think- that muscle you are building will give you a higher resting metabolic you will burn more calories...:wink:
  • codyaucoin
    It is more than likely your muscles are retaining water from all the workouts. Try resting the day before you weigh-in and see what happens. That's how I do it .. You need to give your body at least one day to recover :)
  • animatedbecca
    Well I dont think I have skipped a day since I started this journey 3 weeks ago. But keep in mind Im going frm back surgery/sitting on my butt all day for two yrs. So my "workout" is simply an hour walking either outdoors or treadmill and 15 mn on the spin bike. This has to be done in three sessions of 20 mn on treadmill and 5 on bike, or about 40 mn walking outdoors. So while Im putting in alot of time, in comparison to what others do, Im not putting in alot of power. But I have been going 7 days a week for 3 weeks at this.