Not a newbie, but back again! :)

Hi guys, I'm Beth, 23 years old living in the UK!

I lost 30lbs last year with help from myfitnesspal, but since meeting my lovely boyfriend 8months ago I've not so much fallen off the healthy eating wagon, but rather Kamikaze plummeted to a weight worse than I've ever been before. Because I've been so comfortable and content and happy I haven't given a second thought to my weight, and still felt sexy and cute despite piling on the pounds. Damn this love business, lol :3

Over these 8 months I've regained the 30lbs I'd lost plus 15lbs more ... and I'm feeling rundown, sluggish and completely unhealthy. So, after stepping on the scales on the weekend for the first time since god knows when, I'm getting back on it!

Purely through choosing healthy options, more fruit & veg and less carbs &sugars, and exercise - no particular diet routine or anything because they tend to make my self-esteem drop like mad. I'm hoping to lose all this excess fatty baggage and get back to a place where I FEEL healthy and alive again! Ideally I'd like to lose about 90lbs altogether.

Feel free to add me,
Beth :)


  • haylslade
    Good luck Beth - I'm not a newbie either but haven't really stuck to it before... Started back up Jan 6th and determined to keep it going like you, to feel healthier etc! I have a holiday in July to look forward to and Wedding and Honeymoon in October so that's my motivation :))
  • melybelyc
    Welcome back! Having to start over again is awful - but you have a silver lining - you know you can do it because you have already done it! Happy New Year!
  • r25jlt
    r25jlt Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Beth!

    I'm 25 and living in the UK too!! I am back on here again too after ending up back at my heaviest again.

    Beginning 2012 I weighed my heaviest at 175lbs, by the summer that year with hard work and watching my calories using MFP I got down to 154, (still on the heavy side for my 5"2 frame but I was quite happy at that).

    I totally have to admit that after that I let go of my health and and now I'm back to 174lbs. So now its time to take control and changes things for the better. I would like to loose 34lbs, no time scale just slowly and safely and hopefully with life changes that means I wont be in this situation again!

    Good Luck with your weight loss - I've added you so we can help each other get where we want to be.
  • jodieeeanne
    jodieeeanne Posts: 15 Member
    Adding all the UK people so I can nose at their diaries for ideas!
    I always get upset when I can't find stuff in the UK and it looks so yummy on a US diary haha!

    I'm returning after a 4 month lapse ( good ol love eh!) but we're doing it together now so should be possible!

    Good luck and stay motivated!! :) x
  • Sarasota_Guy
    Sarasota_Guy Posts: 82 Member
    Hey! Welcome back, and congrats on the 30 lbs. lost last year! That is incredible :)
  • at0micbetty
    Hi everyone, thanks for your words of encouragement! :) Adding you all!