Anyone work overnights? Any suggestions?

Hey all I am a nurse an I work 12 hour overnight shifts. Needless to say diet and exercise patterns can be crazy and difficult to maintain. I did successfully lose 30 lbs 3 years ago but have now slowly gained back 20lbs. The clothes are fitting tighter and I am unhappy. Any one have any suggestions for an overnighter to keep A balance?

Thank you!


  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    I don't work overnights, but I do work 12 hour days as well. What I'm doing right now is making sure to really book up my weekends with workouts, since it's my main time to get some workouts in, and hitting the gym at night a few days a week. That is hard for me, because after a 12-hour workday, I really just want to go home, but I force myself to work out because it makes me feel better and I know it's good for me.

    I am in the same boat as you, because I also lost a lot of weight, kept it off for over a year, and then slowly gained it back recently due to changing jobs and becoming more sedentary. If you want a buddy, I'm here!
  • einzweidrei
    einzweidrei Posts: 381 Member
    Yes. But I don't do twelve hours shifts.

    I will usually:

    (1) Always bring something to eat. Bring something light---yogurt, wrap, fruit, etc. Especially if I'm going to eat something else when I get home, which I usually do. (Though, if I was doing twelve hours shifts I might eat them in the opposite order.) If I don't bring something, I'll go to the vending machine or run to 7-11.

    (2) Eat dinner before I go. Plan my meals.

    (3) Keep track of everything.

    (4) I don't really exercise but I always try to get a good walk in on days that I have off/don't have to go in that night.
  • Raiden091
    Raiden091 Posts: 19 Member
    I normally work first shift but occasionally work nights. On the days I work nights I will workout while I'm at home before I go into work, while on normal days I workout after work.
  • tfire77
    tfire77 Posts: 29 Member
    It is definitely a challenge. I work 12- hr night shift, with an hour drive each way. It has taken me a long time to find what works for me. I plan my meals for the week by cooking large batches of food one day and freezing them in single serving containers. Being prepared and knowing what I am gonna eat for the night is the only way I can lose weight and not hit the vending machines.

    A normal day for me looks like this.

    Wake up 4pm- workout (30 min workouts on days I work)
    530pm breakfast something around 200 cals.
    7pm work
    10 pm- eat what most people would call there lunch 400 cals
    2am - have dinner 400-500 cals
    6am - snack 200-300
    730 - heading home
    830 am - getting ready for bed.

    Trial and error to find what works for you.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i'm lucky in that i only work night shifts 3-4 days in a row. i know a lot of you nurses have them broken up. that sucks.

    i work over night shift, and it's a challenge. your body is thrown off. you need to be really on point and count calories, while understanding that the MFP diary is built for a 12am-12pm cycle that you are currently not operating on.

    you probably want carbs while on nights. i know i do!! i try and limit myself a bit, and add more protein and veggies to my carbs. for instance, pizza is a staple of my diet, especially on nights. but now i order just two slices of chicken and tomato pizza. or i mix in veggies and ground meat into my homemade sauce.

    i also recognize that for me, eating between midnight and 4am usually doesn't make me feel good. i drink water instead, and maybe some crackers. or tea if i need to caffine.

    also, as far as exercising goes, i pretty much don't on nights... except the first day i go in, and the day i finish up. so i'll wake up early and work out on the first day, and usually eat as normally as possible, usually saving some calories for later at night. i also eat dinner later. on my last shift, depending on my night, i'll usually go straight to the pool for a quick swim, or go straight home, and i'll sleep for like, three hours. when i wake up and eat something, i'll hit the gym or run or bike. nothing too strenuous, as i'm just trying to shake off the cobwebs.
  • meganeileenmc
    meganeileenmc Posts: 37 Member
    Thank you everyone for your helpful hints! I try to eat a regular meal before I come to work and snack sensibly throughout the night. Sometimes staff bring in goodies or cook something that is hard to resist. Building willpower back up is important. I hate eating before bed but I feel like I always need to eat something when I get home in the morning or hunger pangs wake me up in the middle of the day. I think protein in key :)
  • dougt333
    dougt333 Posts: 697
    Hospital 12 hour night shifter here.
    My eating/lifting schedule today

    2PM Wake Up
    Heavy 30-45 minute workout
    Breakfast -3PM Before Work
    Lunch- 6PM
    Quick Workout 8PM

    I get off at 5AM and go straight home and to bed.

    On my days off I do a 10AM to 6PM eating schedule with 1 hour+ workout at 11AM.

    80% of my food is at home or brought from home.
  • Darrelkun
    Darrelkun Posts: 152 Member
    I work night shifts, but nowhere near the 12 hour mark. (I work 12pm to 3am)

    I'd suggest planning your day similar to how you would if you worked a day shift. Eat a bigger breakfast, wake up earlier if you can to work out, and make sure to have dinner ready for you when you get home.

    When tracking on myfitnesspal, just remember to either go back to the previous day and fill out your day (like I do), or be okay with separating your awake day into the two days (based on midnight like the site wants to do). Up to you.
  • Im a night RN also. I work 12s at night and I Im at work by 1800 and leave at 0800. Im way too wiped out to do anything on work days. I try to exercise everyday Im off (weights and cardio) but Im stuck at my current weight now for 4 months. I just started the GNC RTD shakes as my main food source during work hours and I eat fruit. Sometimes I make a salad. Everyone tells me something different on how to loose weight. Most forums tell me to eat 15-20 cals per pound per day but thats a ton for me (270x20=5400cals) Based on the Harris-benedict formula my BMR is 2374 cal/day and figuring in my activity it says I should have 3000-3300 cal/day to loose weight and grow muscle. Thats clean calories, not like pizza and burgers. I was eating 1700-2000 and was stuck, i jumped my cals up to 2700 ish and I lost 2-4 more lbs but stopped. I have hit a wall and cant figure out how to get through it. Im going to see if the new shakes and meal plan help this year. This is my first week watching carbs before bed and using the meal replacements. By monday im hoping for a few pounds off but we shall see.

    What other ideas are out there.
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    I am a 12 hour shift night nurse too. The best advice I can give is to do a little exercise every day, even 10 minutes, pack a healthy lunch+snacks and stay away from all the junk food at work. Some times I find it helpful to pack 3 lunches for my work week so when I am tired I can just grab a lunch and go.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    . I hate eating before bed but I feel like I always need to eat something when I get home in the morning or hunger pangs wake me up in the middle of the day. I think protein in key :)

    yes!! learned this the hard way. i'd wake up after just sleeping 3-4 hours.