SBF2 Reboot Boogaloo Aug. 30th

yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
It is hot and muggy this morning. Not that that is unusual, but we had that nice cool front come through and the mornings we tolerable for awhile.

With teacher training I only have one full weekend that I'm home in September, it is going to be a busy month. I'm not sure if we will get any yoga in during the teacher training. I need to plan a schedule where I get at least some exercise. I also need to work on sanskrit.

Today - yoga and walk. Also I need to find some fruit.

almost fall, boogaloo.


  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    A new week! I hope that means I'll have renewed energy this week as well!

    Mary, it's hot and muggy again today too. The cat missed her box, so I tried to air out the house, but there was no wind blowing. The humidity makes the house smell worse too. :frown: I tried to clean it up as best as I could so I am hoping the smell won't bother my MIL.

    That's how my morning started out. :tongue: I have to run a couple of errands this morning and take Alex to tumbling class. I really don't like having it on Mondays, but oh well. We'll manage. I will try to get a walk on the treadmill today. We will very likely being eating out tonight, if MIL feels up to it.
    I am SO glad it's almost September! It is strange how the summer can seem SO long yet things that happened two months ago seem like they just happened yesterday. We have about 9 more days before we hear any news from Moscow. It may not include a child referral but some news would be something.
    Yesterday was a hard day emotionally. My parents and sisters are going through a really hard time right now. I know God will take care of them. He always does. He is always faithful. But it's not easy watch them going through so much. It was one of those days when I said, "What am I complaining about?"
    I did get to go out with a friend last night and that was really good for me. We are going to try to do that on a regular basis.
    Hope you all have a good Monday!
    sticky day boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    It's stupid hot here too now. We had a few perfect days, and now it will be a high of around 97 F (very, very hot for here) and there are ozone action warnings out, which means breathing is quite tricky. I just got back from my workout, and my heart rate kept spiking and I felt nauseous, but I can scratch "working out" off of my to-do list, so that's a plus.

    I have a meeting that I'm trying to think of a way to get out of, but I'll probably just suck it up and's just so gross out. (I am a's really not the heat, but the lack of breathing, honest).

    I did OK, but not perfect on my goals last week. I ended up taking a whole day off, and had a wimpy (housecleaning) active recovery day. Goals for the week are six days of activity, including a yoga session.

    September, what? boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Hello! Hot here too. I'm sensing a trend!

    Just a quick post, getting back to normal life.

    Yesterday was walking and gardening.

    Today was a 400 calorie workout at the gym (stair climber and weights) and then I managed to get in a short lap swim at lunch.

    My continued goals are:
    * Burning 500 calories 4x this week
    * Drinking enough water
    * Limiting eating late at night

    Have a great start to the week!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    I need to be getting ready for the day, but I wanted to post really quick. Things are not going that great in the MM household. Well, not horrible, just not great. The new car is overheating in traffic, so Steve can't drive it for work. I am driving it to run my errands, which are in the morning, so I think it will be okay. I hope. It's just another frustration and expense piled on top of the others. :grumble: We really need some good news. It's been a stream of bad news since March.
    Horse therapy is today, then I will try to get a work out this afternoon. I hope I am energetic enough to walk for 30-60 minutes and then do some Taebo strength training. It's also about time for my once a month deep cleaning, so I need to start working on that. Too bad I really just want to sit on my pity pot and eat chips....or chocolate. The in laws left this morning, so it's back to regular routine stuff.
    So that's my day in a nutshell.
    Stay cool boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Mustangs and their overheating problems. Engines are just too big :wink:

    WL - I didn't see you mentioned on the "best dressed" at the Emmy's. :bigsmile: - every once and awhile my inner girly girl comes out and I have to look at dresses and sparkly things.

    Rodney Yee came in the mail yesterday, so I'm trying that out today. I'm concentrating on walking faster as well. Also, no desserts for a bit.

    Arm balance, boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs,

    I've been super-productive this far today. Went to a (never tried before) weights class at the gym. It was so good, I'm pondering giving up my Tuesday a.m. Zumba to start going to it. I might not, because I am contrary. I now have a serious case of the jelly arms. Also I've done my "brain work" for the day, and now I'm gearing up to give my fridge a thorough cleaning. Other big possible goal for the day: a mani/pedi (it's been over a month since I've had this done, due to my somewhat thrifty phase...) Then unpleasant goal: figuring out how to some money magic in order to pay my summer tuition that I expected to get a bursary to cover (but didn't.):grumble:

    Mary, the phrase "Rodney Yee came in the mail yesterday" made me laugh. I just pictured a man-sized/shaped envelope. Because I am weird.

    I think my HRM watch needs a new battery. Blergh. Since I never swim in it, I might just take it to a jeweler instead of sending it to Polar and having to wait for it.

    Here's some good news, MM...I haven't told you, but in that avatar pic you are button-cute-adorable. What a great smile you have.:happy:

    Taking care of business boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Sending positive thoughts your way, MM. I have a feeling you will get some good news soon.

    Thank you for the compliment on the dress, Mary! I felt like a princess and it was such a magical night, even though we didn't win (it's an honor just to be nominated blahdee blah blah) :wink:

    I am hoping to get to the batting cages after work today, more to blow off steam than to work out, but then will be up early on Wednesday to get my 500 calories in. I'd like to do some at-home yoga tonight but lately have just been so tired. I don't like eating all three meals at my desk, but also don't want to wait until 8 or 9pm to eat dinner. Perhaps I need to shift my thinking to have a large lunch and basically just a snack for dinner.

    Can't wait to hear how Rodney Yee is! And Viv, go for that pedi!!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    So happy that September is here!
    Too bad I am sick. :sick: It hit me suddenly yesterday about 4-5 pm. Just wham. My throat hurt and my nose got stuffy. Alex has it too. I think I see a nap in my future. Usually this is my "feel good" week when I get my heavy cleaning done and exercise well. Yeah, not happening.
    Goals today: drink water even though I don't feel like drinking anything but chocolate shake, possibly walk on the treadmill (I stopped walking for a few days and my hip didn't hurt. I walked and my hips started hurting again.), do some cleaning and I'd like to scrub the tile floors. I also have to make a grocery list. I don't know why but I have not had an appetite for about 2 weeks or more. Nothing sounds good.

    Feel like I am falling apart boogaloo.
    Oh and thanks for the compliments on the picture. :smooched:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Maybe you are walking differently on the treadmill than you do normally? Hope you feel better soon.

    Wouldn't it be great to order a yoga teacher through the mail? I "mircoplained" my had the other day, so I decided not to do the arm balance Rodney Yee workout, but I watched it on the treadmill. I could do most of the arm balances (maybe not as adeptly), but the transitions were pretty tough. I also can't come close to lotus in headstand. I want to try out one of the transitions - headstand 2 to something I looked up as flying pigeon. I did headstand 2 to crow, so the thought process is there.

    Today - double yoga. I need to work on my scheduling before teacher training starts. I'm already getting behind on the cleaning, etc.

    Yoga by mail, boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs,

    Hey, MM...we have the same thing going on. Can you catch something from the internets?:tongue: I think mine is mostly due to the high smog levels/heat indexes we've been having, combined with my special lady time. Boo to it. I have medicated heavily for the sinus headache, and I'm just trying to push through. I'm writing to a publication submission deadline right now, so I have to work every day no matter what.

    Yesterday, it took me three hours of phone calls, run-arounds, and "press 1 for blahbedy, 2 for yackedy and 3 for schmackedy" computer answered phone calls to come up with the answer to one simple question. Ugh. I really think that things would be better if you just dialed a number and talked to a person immediately. I guess that's not better for the bottom line. Anyways, I sort of threw some water on my current fire, but it isn't out yet. I also discovered that the financial aid forms that I worked on and submitted in a timely manner have been "lost". Again. The second summer in a row. Seriously? So, my student loan money will be delayed. Again. Two years ago, I didn't get them until January (due to an error on the offices part). Wow, just wow.

    goals for the day are: yoga stretching, walk home from the subway (this might not get done, as breathing is difficult. I don't have asthma, but the past few days, I feel like I have asthma. It's pretty common in the city with an ozone alert day.) If it's too gross out to walk, Yoga will be enough for today. A bit sore from the weights class (but not as sore as I expected to be, which is good).

    My other goal for the day: to quit complaining. :blushing:

    Buck up, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    WL! I just heard about the crazy situation at the Discovery Channel! Was anybody you know there at the time?

    I am having a rough week. OK, that's an understatement. It's been a rough year - but a devastating week. It's hard to explain exactly why. The work situation has brought it to a head, but it's not exactly about work. Basically, I feel like I did back in high school - like I'm looking out at the world, and I see everybody else, and somehow I just don't see any place that I fit. It's not quite like that - I know there are a lot more people out there who are more like me than I knew back then - but, still, I'm not quite able to map myself onto the world that I see. I feel like I'd have to not be me... like the things that I am capable of contributing to the world are not things that the world wants or will accept from me. So, I don't know what to do with myself. I guess I'm treading water for now.

    My eating has been terrible this week. No dance class, either, though I did make it to the last yoga class yesterday. I am sad because the instructor for the sunrise class has to go back to work (she's a school teacher) and they haven't found anybody to take the slot yet. I am not sure that I am motivated enough to work out in the morning unless I have a class to go to. I guess I could try to find another place to go, but then I'd have to pay more on top of what I'm already paying for the gym and dance classes.

    Add me to the "I don't have asthma, but I feel like I do when it's really hot and ozone-y" club. Hot here this week, too.

    Hope you all feel better and have a great rest of week. :flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    CP, sorry you are having such a hard time!:flowerforyou: I hope you get a time of rest soon.

    WL, how's the new job?

    V, how are you feeling today?

    Mary, did you figure out who to teach for your teacher training?

    Bobbie! It's Thursday! You need to check in! :wink:

    Well, I don't have a cold. It's either sinuses or an upper respiratory infection. Alex sounds sicker than I do. I actually don't feel bad nose wise but I am tired and kind of achy. I took a nap yesterday and I may have to take another one today. It's been raining since yesterday afternoon so I am enjoying that. Too bad I have to get out this morning and go shopping. I want to stay curled up and watch movies all day. I may try to get on the treadmill if the store doesn't wipe me out. I meant to work out yesterday but I ended up sleeping during Alex's whole nap time. Right now I feel as if I won't be able to get back in the groove of working out for awhile. I hope that's just because I feel so tired today, and that once I feel better I will be ready to go again. I ate a lot yesterday. I was seeking comfort food. I've also been on the verge of tears for about two weeks. I think I am feeling stressed out and down. My family was suppose to come up this weekend but they can't, and we were suppose to go down there if they couldn't come up, but we can't. :frown:
    On a good note, we did rule out worst case scenario on our new car overheating (I put over eating :laugh: You can tell where my mind is!). That put Steve in a much better mood. He was even singing this morning in the shower. :smile: He also has a couple of job possibilities on his plate, which causes stress but also gives him hope of getting out of his current job. The adoption process is going to be what determines what he can do.
    I'm chatty this morning! I'm going now. I've rambled too long.
    Need some adult conversation boogaloo! :laugh:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    I thought about WL too. Glad everyone was safe. Discovery Channel in Maryland, who knew?
    Hope things get better for you CP. Sounds like out of the frying pan kind of situation.

    I recently finished a documentary called "Ballerina". It was good, but one thing that really struck me - they are way too skinny for my liking. Rounder women look better with little or no clothing - that's all there is to it - skinny women look better in clothing.

    Today - teach yoga and walk. Get almost everything done before tomorrow, when I go on the 5 day yoga workshop. Because of the cat situation - I will sleep at the yoga place on Friday, Monday, and Tuesday. So I will probably check in on Saturday and Sunday (husband will be out of town those days). I get back Wednesday afternoon but have to go to San Antonio the following Saturday - whew! - thus the need to get a lot of stuff done today. Husband and I checked out schedules the other day - we only have 2 weekends at home together (completely) between now and Thanksgiving - and one of those weekends, I have a yoga workshop - we are talking about going to Dallas the other weekend. It's going to be a rough autumn.

    Planning ahead, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs,

    Just got back from Zumba, have finished my brain work for the day, and now I'm looking to do some housework. Ended up with a terrible sinus headache yesterday, so although I managed a walk, that was it.

    Also, there are big, fat storm clouds that I'm hoping work their magic soon. I would really like to breathe successfully sometime this week.:tongue:

    Rain dance, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:

    Mary, when I used to work at a bookstore in the 80s, we had a book called "the body manual for ballerinas" or something similar. (I hope to god it's out of print now). It was essentially an eating disorder manual. The one thing I remember from it was a meal plan's lunch: six lettuce leaves, an ounce (an ounce!) or chicken breast dressed with the juice from one quarter of a lemon.:noway: I wish I was kidding. I think some things have improved in the dance world, but I once overheard the following bit of diet advice in a washroom at university (we share the building with the dance department) "when I get hungry at night, I just take two of my percocets and go to bed."
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    oh, and by "ounce or chicken breast", I mean "ounce of..."
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    I exercised instead of napped because I really don't feel any worse today. I walked for 30 minutes and did about 30 minutes of taebo upper body, plus walking at the store for an hour. My legs are shaking! Either I've lost a lot of muscle tone from not working out consistently or the sickness really does have me down a bit. I may try logging for a few days. I didn't buy the healthiest stuff at the store so I want to keep track of how I am eating. I need to try something for motivation, since it's slipping away. Now I'm tired.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Rain, glorious rain!

    High of 90 tomorrow - wow! Great weather for the retreat. I just got my first homework assignment for TT (teacher training) - now I remember what I didn't like about school. :laugh: I'm trying to decide what to print out and what to read on the computer. I read much better on the printed page, but I hate to waste all that paper.

    So for today - get house clean, teach yoga, finish packing, get homework ready to go, get gift for teacher (part of this retreat is a birthday party for the teacher) - and maybe one for the hostess? I don't know. I pay to go on this retreat, though it's very cheap, so I'm guessing she's donating the use of her ranch. Thoughts? I guess it wouldn't hurt to buy a gift for this person. I'll have to think on that one - she owns a grocery store and usually I would bring a food gift, hmmm. Ideas are always welcome. Maybe a native plant for the ranch?

    I'm nervous - I hope I can cope with all these super fly yogis. I need a walk :tongue:

    Retreat, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Mary, I think a plant is a good idea. :smile:

    Still not well today. Doesn't help that I am down because I was suppose to see my family this weekend and I had been looking forward to it for about two months. On the bright side, it's gorgeous outside (71). I don't know what the high is but it's in the upper 80's I think. Maybe low 90's. So glad for some cooler weather, though not ready for cold weather yet. I may get to taste that sooner than I think if we go to Russia later this month or in October.
    On tap for today: do something, anything, outside with Alex that doesn't expend much energy, finish some cleaning up (which thankfully isn't much), drink water, maybe walk on the treadmill, and log my food.
    I have been realizing the last few days that I am still heartbroken over what happened with Maria (I'm sure it's safe to say her name now). It's not just about Maria, but the fact that we felt like it was going to be alright and it wasn't. So I am thinking that's probably why I am not feeling well most of the time (aches and pains in joints and being sick) and why I am not losing any weight (my heart's just not in it). I have really got to snap out of it and get this weight off. I do not want to get any bigger. I had debated doing the South Beach again because it worked for me a few years ago, but the thought of eating eggs every.single.morning. not to mention in other meals as well - I just can't do it. It makes me want to gag. I do eat eggs some times, like I had them this morning, but I had it wrapped up in a flour tortilla. Take away the carbs - yeah not so much. And I'm sensitive to whole wheat so the second phase of the diet doesn't work for me. I'm not physically up to the hard work outs right now and even when I was doing them, I wasn't seeing the change that I think I should have. I will try logging food again. I know my carbs are high, especially this week since I bought too much comfort food. :blushing: I also bought a lot of protein so I am hoping I will balance it out.
    Anyway, if anyone has any ideas feel free to comment.

    Pushing through the pain boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs,

    So far this morning: have done my brain work. Next, I have to finish my smoothie-breakfast, and then clean and make a shopping list. My husband is having a rehearsal, so I have to wait until later to workout, or decide that today is a day off and tomorrow (a scheduled day off) is a day on. I may do that, so that I can go to yoga at the gym tomorrow a.m. I have a lot of cleaning to do (how two people can make such a big mess in just a few days is beyond me. Although my husband is very good at "just leave that wherever..." mild grr.)

    I almost put off the brain work, but didn't. I'm calling this a victory. I'm trying to be in a mode of "no matter what, and before anything else, that gets accomplished." So far, so good...I worked every day this week, which might be a record, because I am lame. I'm either lame at working or the world's greatest at finding a million reasons not to work.

    MM, for me, I do better if I just stay off of grains in general. For whatever reason, I can overeat those like crazy. I eat plenty of carbs (fruits, vegetables) just little to no grains. I find (like for example, my vacations) when I indulge in those, I feel worse in all the ways. I was terrifically depressed after my last trip (wheat, wheat and more wheat) and as soon as I stopped eating wheat, I stopped craving it, and that depression lifted. I indulge my cravings for bread-like substances with almond flour and coconut flour. That being said, I think you have every right to feel like you're grieving. I think if you push through and use the working out as a way to let go it will help with the pain (all the kinds). It always works for me. Even when I'd much rather just put on my pouty-pants and eat cheetos.:tongue:

    Mary, I always give wine (tricky if you don't know if they drink) or gift cards (coffee shops, target, etc) as hostess gifts. The plant sounds like a good idea, too.

    Work anyways, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Happy Labor day weekend.

    I'm laboring this breathe. :laugh: I guess I have a cold though it didn't start out like colds normally do for me. It's day four but it seems like I've been sick a week or so.
    I've really been struggling with my eating the last four days. I'm eating for comfort. :noway: Naughty. Today I am going to go out and try to work on the cars. I will try to get on the treadmill as well. I may have to get a nap in because I didn't sleep good last night.
    V, I think I do better too when I stay off wheat. I need to just get off of it. That's the hard part. I have been eating too much of it this week. Do you guys ever have weeks or even days that you just don't care? You all always appear to have it together so I was wondering if it's just me. :tongue:
    I'd better get out and help Steve with the car.
    Three day weekend boogaloo!
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