time of the month!

edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
that time of the month is over! and it's time to get back to my fightin' weight! when it gets to be that time of the month, my stomach become a bottomless pit.... and i retain 10 pounds of water weight to the .0! they say that this is unusual but some women do retain this kind of weight. it feels so disgusting, because 10 pounds is a noticeable amount of weight on my frame! none of my clothes fit... i can take diuretics, but it doesn't help much. does anyone else struggle with this? i feel like i need to lock myself in a room filled with lettuce for a week! any suggestions? and does anyone else retain THAT kind of water?


  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    I used to, but now I make sure I drink more water than I normally would and it tends to help. Now I retain probably 2-3 lbs. of water during TOM (happens to be right now of course). Used to be I'd retain between 5 and 7 lbs. of water during TOM.
  • thank you for that! i didn't think about how i should drink more water to flush some of that water weight! i don't know if that will help with my uncontrollable cravings! i went from 123.0 pounds to 133.0 pounds in 48 hours! that was last week. and i'm just now back down to 128. that's a lot of weight fluctuation!
  • asm325
    asm325 Posts: 10
    @oklahoma_cowgirl-same thing happens to me. I can barely button my pants! I talked to my doctor about this and she said that is normal for some people, especially if you are not on Depo-Provera injections or birth control pills.
  • that TOTALLY makes sense!!!!!! i used to be on a hormonal birth control, and now i'm on a non hormonal birth control, and this could be the cause! thank you for mentioning that, i didn't even THINK about that!
  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616
    Wow, i totally forgot about that happening, i was so upset yesterday when i weighed in at 7 lbs more than i have been when im working so hard to lose. Thank you! It makes more sense now.
  • it's so frustrating! my problem is a get uncontrollable cravings! but i get so miserable for the week it's crazy! my boyfriend just doesn't remotely understand!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Agree - I am usually gain more than 5 pounds before TOM and it comes back off after I'm done. I try and stay away from salty snacks and focus on crunchier ones (so instead of chips, I'll gorge on baby carrots) and up my water intake. Since it's usually water weight, this strategy seems to work for me and I can satisfy my need to eat, eat, eat. I also switch out my salt for half salt so if it's salt I'm craving, I can have cherry tomatoes with a pinch of salt and not worry too much about my sodium intake (half salt is potassium based, not sodium so that it doesn't cause the water retention as badly).
  • another good idea! i need to start making myself binge on fruits and veggies when it's that time of the month! not sugars and fats!
  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    I seem to retain weight during TOM and whenever I eat alot of sodium. Or drink alot of soda... :-( I guess I'm just one of those girls.
  • i did hear that 10 pounds of water weight is unusual, but SOME women do retain it! i guess we must be lucky enough to be SOME women ;)
  • epond
    epond Posts: 30
    Do you maintain your exercise program during that time of the month? Have you considered eating clean? I have been eating clean for several months now and I find a HUGE difference in how I feel ... less bloating, less cramping, and the rest of the month is great too!

    Good luck! :)
  • what do you mean by eating clean?
  • wearmi1
    wearmi1 Posts: 291 Member
    I retain water like that and it does feel horrible. I just try to stay away from salt and spend a few extra minutes working out or in the sauna to sweat some it out. I always wear one of those belly bands that you can buy to "shrink" your waist so that it helps me sweat off water around my belly.
  • epond
    epond Posts: 30
    check out this website for a clear definition ....


    although it is called a "diet" .... It does not feel like one at all. it is really all about making healthy choices, portion control, staying totally away from sugar (and all of it's different versions - although organic sugars are fine in moderation), also staying away from anything that you can't pronounce - so basically ingredients that are processed. You eat 5-6 meals a day with lean protein each time, with various combinations of fruits/veggies/ and whole grains.

    Tosca Reno has publications out regarding the Eat Clean Diet... such a great investment. Also the soft covered Eat Clean Cookbook is FANTASTIC ... also check out Clean Eating Magazine. If you don't already read Oxygen magazine you will find great clean eat ideas in that as well - also my FAV exercise magazine!! :)

    When you go to eatcleandiet.com ... click on community, then join the online forum. You will be introduced to a discussion board with a wealth of knowledge - I am always on reading and asking Q's.

    I have a gluten intolerance and changing to this lifestyle has changed me in so many different ways. I have energy, I sleep through the entire night - my mind no longer races keeping me up, my stomach is FLAT, I don't bloat anymore, sugar cravings are cut significantly, no headaches, back pain, bowel intolerances are gone out the window (suffered with IBS for 3 years after having my gallbladder removed). The positives are endless... I never feel like I am starving myself and I love cooking and trying out various recipes. I love Clean Eating Magazine so much I ordered all of the back issues ! On Oct 16th they are releasing the best recipes featured in this magazine so keep your eye open for it! :):)

    Feel free to add me as a friend or send me messages if you have any more questions.

    Take Care!

  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616
    Last months TOM i had to buy new jeans from normal size 7 all the way up to size 11
  • swerdygnome
    swerdygnome Posts: 88 Member
    that time of the month is over! and it's time to get back to my fightin' weight! when it gets to be that time of the month, my stomach become a bottomless pit.... and i retain 10 pounds of water weight to the .0! they say that this is unusual but some women do retain this kind of weight. it feels so disgusting, because 10 pounds is a noticeable amount of weight on my frame! none of my clothes fit... i can take diuretics, but it doesn't help much. does anyone else struggle with this? i feel like i need to lock myself in a room filled with lettuce for a week! any suggestions? and does anyone else retain THAT kind of water?

    I'm SOOOOOOOOOOO glad you posted this because I'm going through the exact same thing. I did everything right and my last weekly weigh in was up 3 pounds, then the next day up another 2. I felt TOTALLY discouraged and I feel like my hunger is insatiable lately. I've had no energy at all. The gain was very hard for me to take in considering I had worked so hard to lose just 10 lbs. I am still feeling extremely bloated and tired but I am refusing to weigh myself until my body regulates again. I honestly feel so much better knowing that I'm not the only one who's struggling with this. I'm an emotional wreck and my boyfriend doesn't always get it either (poor guy). Just know that you are NOT alone. Hopefully I'll go right back to normal once this time of month is done with.
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