Working Moms?

Hi, I am looking for some friends on MyFitnessPal who are also challenged with working, taking care of kids (I have four), house and significant other. With a limited budget that makes gym workouts not an option at this point in time. Though I do use my treadmill in the basement and the kids and I like to do yoga videos together. My challenge is taking the time for myself when it isn't so late at night that I am so tired or so early in the morning that to most people it is the middle of the night. (I get up for work at 5:00).

Feel free to friend me!:smile:


  • desaree01
    desaree01 Posts: 33 Member
    oh me me me me me. lol I am right there with you. I have a 5 year old and a 3 year old who demand every second of my time and a full time job that follows me home on most days. working out is a challenge for me. I remember seeing something on instagram that said weight loss is 80% diet and 20% workouts. So I try to stay focused on making sure the healthy eating is there despite my workout schedule. But I also have a crap load of workout DVDs for home. You can get them fairly cheap on ebay. But I will cook dinner and sit my kids down to eat and use the 20-30 minutes that it normally takes them to finish to get in a quick cardio workout. My sister lives with me so I also will ask her to watch them for about 30-40 minutes while I do a dvd or run around the block. Maybe your husband can help out in that way. But if I absolutely get not get the kids to leave me along for 30 minutes or my sister is not home to watch them I crank up the Kidz Bop and we have a 30 minute dance party. I get a work out in and it wears them out for early bedtimes. :laugh: . Its a struggle and I do feel your pain. Please feel free to add me and we can keep each other motivated and moving.
  • AusAshMommy
    AusAshMommy Posts: 845 Member
    Oooh Ooooh Me ME ME!!!

    I am 35yr old Mom of two, my son is 10 (soon to be 11) and my daughter just turn 9, she's a Girl Scout so my life is extra busy with all the Girl Scout stuff we do (I also am a parent volunteer for the troop, so super involved LOL!!!)

    Anyhew, I feel your pain TOTALLY! Money is limited for us, I spent the time before Christmas doing workouts at home, low impact aerobics in my room starting with just 30 mins, then added in some calisthenics, then upped it to running - then the 30-Day Shred and I was finally introduced to Zumba right before Thanksgiving and BAM fell into my groove!

    We recently were able to free-up some money and I was able to join Planet Fitness for $19.99/mos - they were running a special where there wasn't anything down.

    If you have a super supportive partner maybe they can watch the kids while you get in your time exercising, make time to plan your meals and eat healthy as well! like desaree01 said it's 80% diet so that's most important!

    Send you a friend request - I'm on here ALL day while at work...
  • misfit34
    misfit34 Posts: 104 Member
    Right Here...I find that the exercise and "diet" struggle is real. I am a working mother and wife. Husband has own business so that has its own challenges as well. add me if you like.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Working mom here. I find time to go to the gym on my lunch breaks to lift. I do bowling and volleyball leagues on Wednesday and Thursday nights. (I can bring the kiddo or he stays with dad).

    Feel free to add!
  • dgraboski
    dgraboski Posts: 125 Member
    That would be me! I have three children, ages 15, 10 and 8. All of which are involved in sports and I work 8-5 plus have a 30-40 commute each way.

    I tend to go to the gym straight from work or right after cooking the family dinner. My gym is cheap (only $25 a month) I would not be able to afford most others that are $50 plus a month.

    I walk the school track when my kids are at their sports parctices in nicer weather too.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I go to the gym during my lunch break. If I go twice a week, my health insurance pays for it. See if you can get yours paid too!
  • MamaDinger
    MamaDinger Posts: 17 Member
    Me, too! I work full-time and have a 6-month old and almost 8-year old! I DO however splurge on a gym membership; I have found the most success in budgeting for that $75/month to work with a lady who really knows her stuff. That's how I've gotten results, personally, and get up at 4:30 AM 3X a week to work out. Kudos to those who are self-motivated enough to do otherwise!!! Seriously!
  • Me2FitMe
    Me2FitMe Posts: 1,284 Member
    No significant other but 2 kids-- only source of income. Though I recently joined a gym most of my workouts are at home... either at 4:30 am or after 9pm...when kids are asleep... not easy but I'm worth it-- or so I tell myself... lol
  • julia0427
    julia0427 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi there, I too am in the same boat. I am 35 years old with two daughters(4 and 8 years old) and find it crazy difficult to fit in even the smallest amount of exercise. Pooped by the end of the day!! I am doing workouts at home as well....loving the Jillian Michaels stuff. I did the 30 day shred last year and lost 28 lbs in four months or so...just kept doing it....but put it all back on! So here I am again....trying to do it all over again. With a full time job and all that it is difficult but I am motivated and excited to start up again. Would love to have some support on here as well......send a friend request!! :smile:
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    I'm 48, married full time job, second job, and a 4 and 6 year old.
    I tried many different things but I'm finally consistent with home DVDs and getting up at 5:30 (but I've been late to work, looks like it will have to be 5 soon enough) to get it done.

    I like the idea's fo dinner time if you get a break. My 4 year old doesn't get to sleep easily so he's up too late for me to workout after.

    yawn..... We are busy moms! Its important to take Our time though!
  • bergsangel
    I'm with you...and there is always sweets at work! I do so much better at home (unless you count wine:drinker: )
  • looneytunes32
    looneytunes32 Posts: 108 Member
    I'm right there with ya...
    Right now, working 40 to 55 hours a week, 2 kids still at home (16 & 7-and she seems to need a lot of attention) and a hubby. Already getting up as early as 5 - no way I can get up earlier to exercise. The days I get home at 8:30 - no way am I going to exercise. Even when I get home at a normal time - there's laundry, meals to cook, homework to be done (7 y/o has to read to an adult every night). Hubby helps with some things but he works a funky shift so isn't always there. I'm happy if I'm in bed at 11 and have had 15/30 minutes to myself to relax. I just can't take that little bit of time away to exercise, I need to wind down too! If the weather is good my daughter and I might squeeze in 15 minutes to walk, but right now, in MI, it is not walking weather!
    I just really don't know how people that work full time and have a family and house to take care of can actually exercise too. Exercising on my lunch time is not an option for me, which I know some people do.

    Friend me! :flowerforyou:
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    There was a similar thread last week and as a result a group formed called Working Moms 2014, I think if you search in groups you can find it and request to be added to the group. We've had topics so far about fitting in exercise, what everyone's diets are like, and stress eating. :)

    Not sure how to add people to this group but I'm sure someone smarter than me can figure it out!
  • tzig00
    tzig00 Posts: 875 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I'm 33, mom of 2 1/3 kids and work 40+ hours a week. I'm currently pregnant with a third and have no energy to do anything at the moment. I get up at 5:30 in the morning and my kids don't stop until 9-10 at night. Last night my youngest (3 1/2) woke up at 4 am jumping on the bed. I have a gym membership and was doing really good with it until I got pregnant and all my energy went out the window. It's all I can do to stay awake until 10 pm. My SO works nights and Saturday so the only day he's there to help with the kids is Sunday where he sleeps a majority of the day because he's wiped out from working so much. It's hard but it can be done. :flowerforyou:
  • bed2883
    bed2883 Posts: 92 Member
    I'm in a similar boat. I have 3 kids (5, 2, and 3 months) and I also work full-time. Hubby and I bought T25, but haven't started it yet. Or rather we did it for 2 weeks and haven't done it again in 4. I'm still trying to get a new routine down, so right now I'm focusing on my eating. But I know I need to get moving again.
  • NeIIaBeIIa
    NeIIaBeIIa Posts: 31 Member
    Yes, yes and yes.

    34 years old, two kids (4 and 1), 5am workouts, travelling husband, no gym membership, living abroad (no family support whatsoever) etc...

    I tried working out at night for about 18months - crazy for me - think I did it twice - till I remembered I am a morning person! Duh. That has been my best revelation! Is working for me, most of the time. Just starting to add lifting (at home) and that has thrown me a little. Doesn't really seem like much exercise... but if I built it up slowly, and still really watch my food, then I think it'll all be OK.

    Feel free to add me. I am 5'8", 175lbs shrink to 150-160 in the next 6 months ;)
  • MrsG31
    MrsG31 Posts: 364 Member
    There was a similar thread last week and as a result a group formed called Working Moms 2014, I think if you search in groups you can find it and request to be added to the group. We've had topics so far about fitting in exercise, what everyone's diets are like, and stress eating. :)

    Not sure how to add people to this group but I'm sure someone smarter than me can figure it out!

    I am gonna go find this group!

    Yes, I struggle with this. I have made it happen in the past, but lost my mojo and haven't found it. Need to get it back! I like the idea of fitting 20 minutes while they finish dinner cuz lord knows it takes that long! But I also know my nosy-*kitten* kids would leave the table to be all up in my business. And hubs is not a lot of help in that department.

    But when I WAS making it happen, I started out by doing arm exercises with hand held weights, sit ups, etc while I was watching my shows after the kids were in bed and taking walks during my breaks at work. Then I got ambitious and started getting up early (like 5:30) to do a quick work-out DVD. I did see results, but then I just fell out of my routine. Gotta get back into it!

    Add me if you want! I am on here all the time when I am supposed to be working, LOL
  • hmrey76
    hmrey76 Posts: 945 Member
    right here!!! single mom with sole custody of a 7yr old. not wanting to join a gym bc i am moving in the summer. I find that the best times to work out are while she is doing homework directly after work/school/before dinner or when she goes to bed. I am stuck in freezing WI so i am limited to DVDs/internet workouts. BUT i am super motivated and taking one day at a time!! the lbs will come off in 21014!!!!!
  • Lindsayannb
    Lindsayannb Posts: 125 Member
    Add Me!!

    I have two jobs, a husband and a 14 month old. I can definitely use some friends in the same boat!
  • scarfy73
    Hi there,

    I am another working mum, I have 3 children (11, 10 and 5) plus a husband that runs his own business plus I have various guiding/scout commitments as well as being a member of the school PTA (Fundraising element of the school).

    I have only just joined as I need to be around like minded people. I am really determined to lose the weight and tone up. So far on the exercise front, I do Zumba twice a week but I do need to incorporate more as I am sat at a desk for 9 hours a day.
