Any large males running?? Need Advice!!!!



  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Shoes are dependant on your foot shape and running style. I would go to a running shop for advice or alternatively you could try just trying to compare your foot size to the generic guidelines (e.g. neutral) and buy some shoes accordingly.

    Besides that, just go out and keep running. The best form of motivation is to beat your own time whether thats running/walking or just running. You could get a phone app such as Runkeeper to track your run distance and time. As and when you lose weight you should naturally get faster and that will prove satisfying if you like running.
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    We're the same height, and I started running at ~275. Just make sure you take it SLOW. Something like C25K is great, and it's totally acceptable to repeat each week.

    The key factor for success will be....SLOW.

    Good luck, buddy!

    ^ All this (well, not the same height part). :)

    I started running at 282 lbs last February.

    I too am less convinced about the super expensive shoe thing - but I still wear $100+ Brooks shoes - for now. It was ultimately worth the price to be able to not worry about shoes anymore.

    But any time I hurt myself (happily all minor - in both good shoes and in normal shoes) was when I tried stupid, giant leaps to another milestone (i.e., run a 10k with nothing but 5k prep work, etc).

    I think all of the impact concern is noble - but IMO, if you've been 300+ pounds for awhile - your body is probably somewhat used to that weight. I mean, I would surely break if I tried to run today with an extra 100 pounds strapped to me. But at the time it just wasn't that bad.

    Go SLOW. Use an HRM - stay in a good training zone. See your doctor. etc.

    But go SLOW. And progress SLOW. This will take a concerted effort. Running is fun. Running faster is more fun. Running longer is even more fun... Running faster, longer is.... You get the idea.

    Don't forget to stretch after. Don't forget to warm up before. Ice any minor soreness. Rest when you need it.