Hello everyone

Hi I'm new to this site.I weight 201 pounds and decided to change my life style.I had a mental breakdown a few years ago and piled on 4 and a half stone. I was told it was the side effect of the meds they put me on.To be honest i ate to much when i was in hospital...No exercise..There was a gym but the nurses were always to short staffed to take me down.I went from being very active as a care assistant to lying in bed all day on the wand.I got a right shock when they weighed me!I was certain their scales were wrong.I've done weight watchers in the past..but never calorie counting. I tried the new weight watcher plan..but it wasn't for me..I'm doing Rosemary Conley..Its weigh in day tomorrow.Been having 1200 calories a day..then i'm going to put the calories up. I'm 5 foot 3 and take a size 22 to 24..