Discouraged and disgusted



  • MadCat
    MadCat Posts: 16
    And maybe look at a makeover of a healthy version of the foods you love.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    1. ditch low carb
    2. create a 500 calorie per day deficit
    3. eat pretty much what you want as long as you stay in said deficit
    4. work out.move more

    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Ok. You are almost half way there. And suddenly you come to a standstill. Is it possible you are afraid of actually succeeding?
    Obviously you can do this. I've had those Sunday morning donuts in N.O. Have you ever noticed- they taste the same every time. So does everything else. Food has no power over you. It's just food. It's there to nourish and sustain you. So you can live life.

    Just get back on track right now. Don't overeat or under eat. Just take care of yourself, give your body the food it needs in the amount it needs to weigh what you want to weigh. Track your cals. You'll lose it.

    I have been wondering about this myself.. if im actually afraid to succeed at this.. i have been asking myself that over and over again

    I've had to ask myself that question at some point myself. I finally answered it! I'm GOING to succeed at this!!! Right now I'm so close I can taste it, but you know what??? I don't really care. I'm finally to the point where I'm not in a race. I feel good about myself, I have energy, and I'm starting to learn to love how I look, (although it's tough at times). This is my life. Nothing will change once I've reached my goals. I'm going to keep working hard, exercising, and eating right no matter what my weight is! Another thing. We have to be honest with ourselves. We eat for all sorts of reasons. Once we realize what those reasons are, it makes it a little easier to figure out how to stop eating for the wrong reasons. Our culture is highly centered around food. We eat to celebrate, like at birthday parties and holidays. We see commercials for fast food every step, which gets our minds going, and our stomachs churning, making us hungry. I am a highly emotional eater. I used to eat when I was sad, happy, bored, nervous, stressed, and as a reward. Once I realized that, I was able to make some changes. The biggest thing for me was to stop that mindless eating! The point is, you can't go on thinking that cake or chips, or anything is evil. They are a part of life. we have to include them in our life, and make room for them in our calorie goals. The more often you do this, the less it will taste SOOOO good, making it nearly impossible to stop when you should. If you can't eat like this the rest of your life, then it is not a lifestyle change, it's just a diet. Best of luck to you!!!
  • Slrajr
    Slrajr Posts: 438 Member
    How about starting with one order of beignets?

    "Enjoy yourself. It's later than you think." (Old Chinese Proverb)
  • djxil
    djxil Posts: 357
    You must have done something right to lose 29 lbs so far (which is exactly what I have lost). I only cut out completely, three things, fast food, soda and candy. I slowly added exercise and have been walking quite a bit. Where I feel most accomplished is how I eat. I have fallen in love with cooking, homemade everything, Salsa, Chili, Curry Shrimp, Stuffed Pork Chops, Baked Zucchini... I could go on and on. I am buying more organic and have just about cut out all processed-type food.

    My point is that you do not need to give up the tasty food, you just have to look for new ways to prepare it in a healthy way. Case in point, I found a recipe for Baked Chicken Fingers, the recipe weirded me out but I went with it and added sesame seeds, dear lord, these things were awesome - nearly as good as deep friend sesame chicken.
  • djxil
    djxil Posts: 357
    I read some of the other posts which mentioned fear of success, I have a little theory on this, it may or may not make sense but here goes...

    When we become comfortable, complacent, vulnerable, when things are going really well, you let your guard down. Think of your journey so far. You have come this far, you feel good about what you have accomplished, thinking to yourself, "this is getting easier, I got this". That's when we hear the little voice inside of all of us that seems to howl that you are a failure, that you shouldn't try, that you will fail and provides ample means for you to fail, tempting you to break your habits. But, we hear it wrong, we have been trained and conditioned to hear it wrong. That little voice helped us when we were cave men and women, when complacency and comfort meant death, that little voice pushed them to go further, follow the food, find protection, survive. Over the millennia, that voice, which should drive us to succeed still wants us to succeed, like a drill sergeant of coach rides you to achieve the impossible - some hear them just scream, beating you down and some answer the call.

    This voice is trying to de-rail you to build you up for the next challenge, it knows that losing weight is hard and gets harder as we lose it, it's trying to prepare you for what's ahead (to fight) or forces you to step back into your old habits to protect you from not being ready for the challenge (flight).

    So, will the voice harden your convictions to achieve the seemingly impossible or will you whither and shrink back to a safe haven. The voice does not care which path you choose, the one you know or the one you don't, it just wants you to survive, even if it means short term success of going backwards or long term success with getting healthy.

    I just wrote this, train of thought, and I have only begun to understand the words that I have written but I really hope that it makes sense to you and it helps you achieve your goals.
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    . Have you ever noticed- they taste the same every time. So does everything else. Food has no power over you. It's just food. It's there to nourish and sustain you. So you can live life.

    This was exactly what I told myself while losing weight and it worked.