Extremely Tired with Brain Fog During First Week

Hey Everyone,

I'm looking for some common ground and pointers in dealing with a few issues I've been encountering in starting up with a strict deficit again.

I'm 23 (F) and currently around 175lbs. I'm looking to get to 145lbs in the next 6 months ish.
The weight loss game is not new to me, but its time fore me to stick to my goals for once and not flake out after a few weeks. I did a stint of cutting before the holidays and lost 4lbs, which I am pretty excited about. Starting fresh again, and also trying to eat especially clean/nutritious (I have some food sensitivities that I tend to neglect... not anymore!). I don't eat/drink caffeine, dairy, bananas, nuts (boyfriend is allergic), and try to keep my gluten/grain intake on the lower side (lower carbs have always helped me out... nothing too drastic... still 150-175 g a day).

I compared stats/formulas on a couple of sites to determine my BMR and TDEE.
I put myself as "light activity" - I take public transit, helping me get 3000-7000 steps a day, depending on where I go. I am on my feet a lot at least a couple of days of the week (being an artist can involve a lot of standing, bending, twisting, lifting, carrying, although some days I find myself in front of the screen more). I also go to ashtanga (power) yoga a couple of times a week and usually go to the gym for some cardio and weights every week or two. Would you guys agree with light activity?

My BMR is 1470 and I have my daily intake set to 1617 (listed as a 20% cut on the site I used). I've told myself that if I'm having a rough day I could bump it up to 1717 (15% cut). If I'm exercising aggressively (not just daily walking) I intend to eat back some of my calories (although I'll take off 100 to keep me closer to my BMR when considered as net - gotta get the most bang for my buck!).

Today is my 6th day of this deficit and I'm a bit concerned. Yesterday and today felt like night and day. Yesterday my brain was sharp, I had energy, and I was very productive. Today at about 11:00am I noticed my attention wavering. I ate lunch, hoping it would perk me up, but I continued to feel weaker. Tried to do some work on the computer and I felt like I was going to fall asleep. I had intended to go to yoga this afternoon, but I couldn't fathom finding that energy in me. I went home and had set my alarm for a 40 min nap. CLEARLY I was tired because I do not remember hearing my alarm (maybe I shut it off in my sleepy stupor) and then slept for another 2 hours. I woke up on my own time, forgetting where I was, and then thinking it was tomorrow already. AHH.

I am trying to remember if I was this tired during my November cut. I don't think it was this intense. Should I have hope? Will my body adjust? Am I doing something horribly wrong with the math and hurting my body more than helping it? I am eating very cleanly - could I be experiencing some detox symptoms/a healing crisis after the holiday splurges?

Another thing I could note (potentially TMI) is that I am currently a bit constipated (IBS - something I deal with regularly with varying degrees of success) and on my period (hormonal ****?).

Thanks for the insight, folks.