Rest Days

amscobra Posts: 73
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Could someone please explain the "Rules" of these rest days. I am still not quite sure what it means. Do I not exercise AT ALL, do I not follow the calorie guidelines? WHAT? I just don't get it, I keep hearing people say they go out all out eating pizza's and big fat slice of cake, but on my rest days I just can't seem to do it, i still fit in at last 20 minutes of treadmill or stretching just to make me feel like i did something. I know a lot of people tell me not to get addicted to the calorie counting, but i am, I am CONSTANTLY aware of what goes in my body and I have only started this journey 6 weeks tomorrow. I can't see putting more than 1 slice of a name brand pizza in my body and the idea of eating a slice of cake really makes me want to puke now. Please, I am really asking for some input here. What are your rest days like?


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Rest day to me is just not exercising to let your body recover from a hard workout.. but you should always follow your eating. Its ok to eat junk every once in a while, I stll try to log it, but its not big deal
  • nbingham
    nbingham Posts: 102 Member
    Could someone please explain the "Rules" of these rest days. I am still not quite sure what it means. Do I not exercise AT ALL, do I not follow the calorie guidelines? WHAT? I just don't get it, I keep hearing people say they go out all out eating pizza's and big fat slice of cake, but on my rest days I just can't seem to do it, i still fit in at last 20 minutes of treadmill or stretching just to make me feel like i did something. I know a lot of people tell me not to get addicted to the calorie counting, but i am, I am CONSTANTLY aware of what goes in my body and I have only started this journey 6 weeks tomorrow. I can't see putting more than 1 slice of a name brand pizza in my body and the idea of eating a slice of cake really makes me want to puke now. Please, I am really asking for some input here. What are your rest days like?

    You can get addicted to calorie counting? If so, I'd have to say it's better than being addicted to food (which I was until recently). Now I actually have fun checking the calories and making them fit into my day. If I want a little treat I work for it.
  • toddgaines
    toddgaines Posts: 130
    For me, rest days just mean not doing a "workout". I still try to stay active (golfing, going for a walk etc), I just make sure it is low impact so my joints have some time to repair. I still try to stick to my calories though, which is extra hard because I burn far less calories on these days.
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    Listen to your body, when it needs rest, you will know. A 20 minute walk and some stretching sounds like a wonderful way to spend a rest day---if you don't want to do anything at all either, that's just as fabulous! I would not eat like a pig on a rest day though---if you want to have a little slice of cake or an extra slice of pizza, you can do that, but just think about the extra calories you'll have to burn! I am all for treats every now and then though!! I rest no more than 2 days a week---some workout days are lighter than others, while some are super extreme. The important thing is to listen to your body!! Good luck, and great job with 6 weeks of healthy! :)
  • daydreem81
    daydreem81 Posts: 4 Member
    I work out five days a week. I have two rest days. Your body needs the rest days to recover and prevent your body from exhausting itself. It is ok to have a "cheat" day and eat something you normally wouldn't eat like a slice of pizza, but I would still watch your calories and wouldn't go crazy with what you eat during rest days. Just maintain your calorie count and give your body the rest days it needs.
  • Dancerten
    Dancerten Posts: 237 Member
    I don't think there are any rules set in stone about rest days. As for me, I still watch what I eat. If I go overboard and have a little too much, then I do go into the gym and work it off. But normally I just count it as a day off from the gym. I still stay active though, I don't sit around and do nothing.

    For example, I do yard work or take the dog for a walk. Nothing hard core or strenuous, but enough to keep me motivated. Hope that helps you :o)
  • amscobra
    amscobra Posts: 73
    There are obviously people out there that pay no attention to it, I mean just over 6 weeks ago I was one of those people. When I pick up food it's sort of natural for me to look at the calories now. I don't even think twice about it, which I am happy about.
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    For me Rest Days are schedule days in my workout programs where I don't do a dvd workout for the day.

    I do go for a 45 min walk because I feel weird not exercising and on Rest Days I usually get the munchies! LOL Rest Days I also take that time to deep clean the house. Tomorrow is grocery shopping day so I will probably skip the walk and count grocery shopping as my exercise for the day. =)

    My rest day happens to be on a Tuesday because I started my workout program on a Wed instead of Monday - I just couldn't wait a few more days to start it lol

    Sundays are my cheat days & my weigh in days. I weigh in before I start my cheat day.

    Also on cheat days I really don't keep track of calories but I do keep in mind moderation/portions.
    For Example: Yesterday my husband knew I wanted chili cheese fries so badly, so at the bowling alley he got a plate for us to share. He did eat most of it for me lol I enjoyed a few bites and stepped away from the plate. I told my husband to finish it off before I do lol. I was also wearing my size 11 jeans to remind myself of how hard I have been working (I was wearing my "fat" pants but last minute i changed my mind because I knew if I was wearing my "fat" pants I would eat more lol)

    Here in about a week my rest day is going to change to because I'm starting up a new program. So Sunday will be my Weigh In, Rest Day, and Cheat Day.
  • I workout Mon-Fri. But on weekends we usually go out somewhere one of those days so I'm walking. I too am "addicted" to the calorie counting. Even on Sundays when I try and just take the day off. I watch so much though that usually by the end of the day I'm still at least 100 from my 1200 calories for the day. Need to fit in an extra snack or something somewhere.

    Your doing great work my friend!
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