How do you CURB you're hunger PANGS?



  • st_scrivener
    There is debate on chewing gum when you are hungry. My understanding is that chewing gum can fool your stomach into producing stomach acid when you don't need stomach acid. This could lead to ulcers.

    I probably shouldn't be answering your post b/c I'm going to be a negative Nancy. Fasting is detrimental to weight loss, and long term goals. The best thing to do when trying to lose weight is not to disrupt your blood glucose levels because you want to be burning as much as often as can't do that on an empty stomach.

    If you don't consume calories, your body starts to go into starvation mode. When you're in starvation mode a few things happen:

    1. your brain starts disliking you; you get sleepy, having trouble focusing, experience brain fog. Interestingly, your sleep is also not good sleep--sleep is when your body heals, and when your basal metabolic rate is pretty high...all that breathing, blood detoxifying in your liver and kidneys, sweating, and sexy dreaming takes calories.
    2. any time you do consume calories, your body will immediately store them AS FAT. In essence, not eating will make you gain fat stores.
    3. You may see weight loss, but it will likely be in the form of water loss, and muscle loss. As you starve, your body eats away at the stored energy in your body, and the first one is your muscles. Carbs and proteins provide a *whopping* 4 cals per monomer, while fat provides 9. Your body is smart, and it will decide that breaking down 4 units of energy requires less energy to break down than 9 units of energy.
    Furthermore, when this happens, there are side effects which can cause you to sustain harm to your body, and specifically your brain. When the liver catabolizes (breaks down) the polypeptides (chains of protein) in your muscles (composed of carbon--brain and muscle food--hydrogen, and nitrogen) you're left with a nitrogen. It's a chemical which the body cannot use, and so it has to be excreted, BUT the caviate is that it will affix itself to carbon creating this chemical called a ketone--the process called ketosis.
    Ketones are bad news for your brain. They enter the blood brain barrier, accumulate, and don't easily leave. Acquiring too many of these can ultimately cause brain disturbances, and potentially ketotic coma (extreme case). and remember that water loss thing above, your kidneys have to work over time to flush the ketones! You could even be promoting the collection of lovely little jagged beads in your kidneys--yay kidney stones.

    There are more things which occur, too. Protein imbalance in your body over time can cause youto have bloat in your abdomen. Etc, and so on.

    I always cringe when people say "I'm on a fasting diet." I'm a nay-sayer for sure, and I know sooooo many people will disagree with me, and that's fine, but fasting is like trying to voodoo away your fat.

    All of this is so misinformed, I don't have the energy to pick through it all and search for sources to correct you.
  • florentinovillaro
    florentinovillaro Posts: 342 Member
    For all the grammar nazi's who missed the question, it is "How do you curb YOUR hunger pangs"?
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I was thinking about IF the other day and realized...I usually stop eating between 9:30 and 10 pm.

    And I usually don't eat again until 12 or 13 hours later.

    So, naturally (and all my life), I've been on a 13:11 hour fasting diet.

    I'm not sure about the sharper eyesight though.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Hmm. Good question. IF is mostly a preference/adherence thing, so if you find yourself struggling, you may need to loosen it a bit. Perhaps add in some filling, but low calorie snacks and slowly wean yourself off of them.
  • benno1978
    benno1978 Posts: 90 Member
    For all the grammar nazi's who missed the question, it is "How do you curb YOUR hunger pangs"?

    Nazis :tongue:
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Hungry now---having a cup of black tea.
  • lisatrish
    lisatrish Posts: 123 Member
    Get a cup of crushed ice and eat it. Sometimes it's all mental - you eat out of boredom not because your hungry. This way your mind thinks you're eating.
  • AwesomeGuy37
    AwesomeGuy37 Posts: 436 Member
    I consume higher amounts of protein and eat more often to avoid getting hungry most days.