For all MFP returnees, why did we gain the weight back?



  • Jennicia74
    Jennicia74 Posts: 31 Member
    Cheating husband!

    ^^^ THIS! AND-just after having a hysterectomy. Then moving, having no $ to eat healthy because I'm now a single mom of 2. Then the holidays. SO- I'm back at it. More determined then ever!
  • Almaviva14
    Almaviva14 Posts: 196 Member
    Just adding, so I can read later and don't lose this thread...
  • Winter_Nights
    Winter_Nights Posts: 14 Member
    I started gaining backw when I stopped participating in sports due to a health /safety concern. I was exercising 6 days a week with weight training and cardio. Since I stopped I needed to readjust my eating habits due to the loss in muscle and less exercise.
  • strawmama
    strawmama Posts: 623 Member
    I was doing awesome. Here everyday, logging everyday, exercising everyday. Then my Dad got sick--lung cancer. I started slacking off some, and went completely off the wagon when he passed away last June. That was the end of diet and exercise for me...I told myself I didn't have time to worry about it, now having my Mom move in with me and having to worry about her health concerns. I gained back 20+ pounds in just 6 months.

    BUT. I'm back, and I honestly think I'll get there this time. I'm more determined than ever :)