Need some Support!

Ok, so I like to exercise, that's not my problem. But I LOVE food! I'm definitely more of a quantity eater so my main problem is overdoing it! I do well at work because my food is structured and I can control what's I bring to eat. But does anyone have any tips on how to eat healthy and no "quantity" eat when I'm at home?


  • silmarilliane
    silmarilliane Posts: 133 Member
    it helps for me that my bf is happy eating healthier too, so we don't have crisps/chocolate/ice cream etc. in the house and we stopped having pasta/rice/potatoes in the evening ages ago so don't have that.

    if i do have stuff that i'm likely to binge on (like biscuits), i tend to get myself a serving and put everything away before i start eating as then i think twice before getting another portion.

    also i do crochet and things to keep my hands/mind busy so i dont think about snacks!
  • tmuellenberg
    tmuellenberg Posts: 265 Member
    One thing that has helped me is using smaller plates. That way you can't put as much on. And also just measuring out servings of different foods so I can see how much it actually looks like.