September weight shredders!



  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I think a long time ago....where are you? I feel like I remember you saying you are off to Alaska?!?!?

    How is everyone doing? Is everyone done shredding weight? Nobody in the mood for chatting?

    Is everyone here still on board?

    I'm doing great princesspurple! I can actually feel myself losing weight for once now that I'm really committed - Looking forward to weigh-in on Monday! How are you doing?
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    I think a long time ago....where are you? I feel like I remember you saying you are off to Alaska?!?!?

    How is everyone doing? Is everyone done shredding weight? Nobody in the mood for chatting?

    LOL good memory! Yes, we *were* headed there, but ended up buying land in ME a few weeks ago. We break ground in the spring!!! =) I'm in Rindge, I looked up how far we are on mapquest. AN HOUR! We could do a hike together someday or something... BUT, hahaha I ain't running! :P

    I'm doing ok, this is my third day of working out, so, YAY!
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    I think a long time ago....where are you? I feel like I remember you saying you are off to Alaska?!?!?

    How is everyone doing? Is everyone done shredding weight? Nobody in the mood for chatting?

    Is everyone here still on board?

    I'm doing great princesspurple! I can actually feel myself losing weight for once now that I'm really committed - Looking forward to weigh-in on Monday! How are you doing?

    That's great news! YAY!!!!

    I thought we were weighing in on the 16th though! EEK, better be good this w/e *wink*
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I think a long time ago....where are you? I feel like I remember you saying you are off to Alaska?!?!?

    How is everyone doing? Is everyone done shredding weight? Nobody in the mood for chatting?

    Is everyone here still on board?

    I'm doing great princesspurple! I can actually feel myself losing weight for once now that I'm really committed - Looking forward to weigh-in on Monday! How are you doing?

    That's great news! YAY!!!!

    I thought we were weighing in on the 16th though! EEK, better be good this w/e *wink*

    Oh... We are! But I weigh myself every Mon... Have been since Oct 09 so I won't be stopping now :) Good luck Pipinana!
  • 2girlzmm
    2girlzmm Posts: 81 Member
    Hi Everyone...
    What a week...only was able to work out once which is actually better then last week which was none at all. So a step in the right direction. Next week will be better. Then my calories today. I knew it wasn't going to be good but once I recorded everything I about died when I saw how much I actually took in....Tomorrow should be a little better but we do have a birthday party to go too and then I told the girls that we would make cake balls.

    Anyway I hope everyone is doing well...Keep up the good work!!!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Hi Everyone...
    What a week...only was able to work out once which is actually better then last week which was none at all. So a step in the right direction. Next week will be better. Then my calories today. I knew it wasn't going to be good but once I recorded everything I about died when I saw how much I actually took in....Tomorrow should be a little better but we do have a birthday party to go too and then I told the girls that we would make cake balls.

    Anyway I hope everyone is doing well...Keep up the good work!!!!

    Every day is a new day! Just start fresh tomorrow and keep counting :)
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Wohoo!! Lost 2.7lbs this week :D Amazing! I guess all my hard work is paying off!!
  • princesspurple
    meagalayne......good for you-i hope you are feeling better from the bike path incident:) can get on track! i ate a bit over this weekend..oops:) I started this am w/ a lighter breakfast and half the coffe...i am chugging water and did some insanity this am!

    pipinana......i almost moved to alaska myself at one point, and my dog got car sick everytime he got in the car....i was living in tahoe at the time, i didn't want to torture we didn't go. now i am in nh...i do love new w/ the new land! that is great! one hour away...a nice hike may be in the cards sometime!

    I am on track for my marthon training, seeing i chowed this weekend, unsure about my weight..i will weigh myself later in the week, i did today in full clothing at work and it was just *alright*
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    Wohoo!! Lost 2.7lbs this week :D Amazing! I guess all my hard work is paying off!!

  • princesspurple
    Hello-how is everyone doing?
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Hello-how is everyone doing?

    Still working hard - I'm trying to run 20 miles a week, and I'm eating healthy as much as possible. I spent Mon-Wed away at a friends house out of town so I may have sabotaged myself a bit while I was gone.... I guess we'll see on Mon when I weigh myself. As of Wed I'm counting my weight at 141.8lbs. Not too bad! Only 1.8lbs away from my goal for Sept 30th and still 2 weeks to go!! Hope everyone else is still going strong... Who is still on the wagon here?
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Ughh... Well I thought I had fared pretty well this week - mostly stuck to my calorie goal and ran more in a week than ever before. I went away for 3 days but I was pretty adamant about eating healthy and getting a good calorie burn in everyday. Unfortunately I got mega sick and I think my body partly shut down, resulting in a 0.4lbs weight gain. It's certainly not the end of the world, but it would have been nice to see a loss. Back to just doing what I've been doing and pushing hard to get this last 2.2lbs (1.2lbs is technically 5lbs lost but I want to hit 140) off before 09/30/20210. It's manageable if I really bust my @ss... 10 more days!

    Hope everyone else is having some success!! Where did everyone go, anyway?