new....tryin to get rid of a few pounds the hard way

cathyalmand Posts: 15
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hey!! Im Cathy! Just found this place thru the app on my phone!!! Currently at 132 (i freakin gained 2lbs after starting to exercise) hopin to get back to my comfort zone of 120ish...i will take 125 tho lol!!! just wantin my clothes to fit like they did before i stopped workin out!! i usually run and do strength training but stopped over the summer due to the kiddos being outta school! just got back this past week! Just looking for some motivation and friends to help push me!!! Plus i love hearin what others are doin in the gym as far as weight lifiting...always lookin for something new!


  • tpritchard2
    tpritchard2 Posts: 5 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat. So you can loose inches and gain pounds. It can be a good thing. I know someone who gained 5 lbs and lost a whole dress size. She is toned and fabulous.
  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616
    Hi, Welcome. And Good Luck. I have a lil more weight to lose, but my goal is similar. I want to go from 142 > 125, but i'll probably be happy at 130.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    glad to have you join us, it is so much easier to do together. We can do this
  • Dtrmnd1
    Dtrmnd1 Posts: 72 Member
    Hey Cathy, we are in the same boat! lol ahhh school! :) I really want to get down to 120 also and weigh 130.
    Not sure if you are familiar but I've completed p90x & on my last week of insanity and have seen extreme changes!
    I had a baby 15 months ago and dropped 22lbs in roughly 8 months and a crazy amnt of inches.
    I'd love to partner with you in getting this stubborn 10-15 lbs off ;) lol
  • LWatson43
    LWatson43 Posts: 65 Member
    You may consider putting in your measurements because the scales may show a weight gain but you may be the same or lost body fat and that is good as losing pounds.
  • lilscuder
    lilscuder Posts: 88 Member
    Hello All ~ My name is Mari. I heard of this website through my neighbor. In just a short time with a Low Cal. diet she's lost 11 lbs. plus. I joined Curves 8 yrs. ago I go 5 days a week (if possible) Curves led me to walking an hour a day Mon-Fri. for the most part. I really enjoy that time to myself. I find this website very inspiring. I would like to loose abut 8 lbs. Any special tips anyone has for low calorie, satisfying meals & snacks I would greatly appreciate. :smile: Someone spoke of Nutrella. Where can you buy that. I had never heard of it. I'm thinking, mabe it's in the peanut butter section ?
  • Im in the same boat! Im at 130 and would liek to get down to 110 but 125 would also make me happy haha. feel free to add me as a friend :D
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