mart001 Posts: 194 Member
O.K. everyone,

this is very important to everyone on My Fitness Pal. I was watching the news tonight and saw something very disturbing that will affect us all on here. It's due to hit our area in about 2-3 weeks. I like to call it G.S.C.S.!!!!

Now before you start go to google it, I will explain what it is. It hits every year around this time. Its not the cold of winter, or anything to do with the super bowl or even the dreaded taxes coming up soon. It's far more disturbing to all of us on here. What is it? It's Girl Scout Cookie Syndrome !

Yep, they are back. And this year, its going to be even worse. This can set us back for weeks!!

Who can resist the “ mr, would like to buy a box of girl scout cookies? In one part of my mind, I am thinking, sure, support the girl's and troops, but in the other side of my mind, the dominant side, I am thinking, boy, those cookies are good and what if I don’t get them today? They may run out or they may not be here next week. Then what? I wont see them again for a whole year!!!

So next is what do I get? Of course I have to get the Thin Mints, they are my favorite. And of course, I do like those Tagalongs, as I like peanut butter. Then there is the problem that I like shortbread and maybe I missed it last year, but this year they have shortbread and chocolate chip shortbread! Can you imagine?

Then, the next problem is who came up with serving sizes? Really? 8 servings in a box of thin mints? Maybe for a 4 year old! To me, they are packaged the way they are for a reason. When you open the box, there are 2 cellophane packages inside. That’s done for a reason. 2 packages in a box, 2 servings, 1 for today and one for tomorrow. Any adult know that. If it was meant to be 8 servings, it would have been packaged that way.
Then there is the guilt of the purchase. OK, so I want 2 thin mints, 2 tagalongs, 2 shortbread and oh well, throw in 2 chocolate chip shortbread. Well I cant walk away with 8 boxes of cookies. And besides, it would be pretty embarrassing asking if they take American Express. So I of course say I am getting some for my family. I can see that little girl looking at me like, yeah right, you didn’t get that fat from giving away cookies and in her mind, I know shes thinking, see you next week!

So will I get them? Of course. I have to support the little girls. LOL

I just want to thank My Fitness Pal for preloading all the nutrition info in already, and yes I did look and bet a lot of you will too! Just type in girl scouts, they are all there!!

There’s no avoiding it. I am thinking of doing my shopping at midnight while those little girls sleep. That’s the only way I think I can win.:sad:


  • mitchiejo
    mitchiejo Posts: 179 Member
    I saw that this morning on the news too! I love Girl Scout cookies.
  • lightinfl
    lightinfl Posts: 229 Member
    LOL... wonderful post and I am right there with you :) I"ve found that they freeze well and I can buy a whole year's worth of cookies that way. The good thing about freezing them is that it's easier to eat just one or two and put the rest back. Don't know why, but cookies from the pantry disappear faster than those from the freezer.

    Support the little girls... but freeze the excess for later when the cookies aren't available ;):)
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    My daughter is a new Daisy Scout and we've got our packet and we're ready to go-I'm much more excited about the cookie sale than she is :laugh:
  • AusAshMommy
    AusAshMommy Posts: 845 Member
    My daughter is a new Daisy Scout and we've got our packet and we're ready to go-I'm much more excited about the cookie sale than she is :laugh:

    Welcome to the Girl Scouts! My daughter's a 2nd Year Brownie and like you I think I am more excited to sell them than she is! LOL!!!
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    My daughter is a new Daisy Scout and we've got our packet and we're ready to go-I'm much more excited about the cookie sale than she is :laugh:

    Welcome to the Girl Scouts! My daughter's a 2nd Year Brownie and like you I think I am more excited to sell them than she is! LOL!!!

    Thanks! She's really liking it so far :happy:
  • mzhrrs13
    mzhrrs13 Posts: 25 Member
    I think what sucks the most is that you can get a number of these cookies like the samoas and the do-si-dos every day in the grocery store sometimes for a cheaper price. Yep, Keebler has his hands all in it (not to mention they make their cookies in the same kitchen as the girl scouts). The first time I saw the samoas (coconut dreams) I thought that it was just coincidental.....Then they got me with the Pitter Pats (Do-Si-Dos) and I almost lost my mind thinking that the Keebler Elves had ripped off the Girl Scouts.....:explode: Then I did my research lol! :happy: Enjoy and try not to over endulge lol!! I am placing my order TODAY!
  • mbeuchert24
    mbeuchert24 Posts: 204 Member
    LOL, hilarious! I mentioned to my husband that it was girl scout cookie time and he just looked at me and smiled, said "you could have one a week" LOL I've already calculated how to fit 2 thin mints into my day on workout days. I did manage to go last year without buying, only because the girl who "sold" me 6 boxes, actually never delivered them. And I must not have hit the stores at the right times, because I never ran into them selling cookies in front of the store.
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    My sister isn't in girl scouts anymore so I don't even know if we're getting them :sad:
    But seriously, you can find a way to work a couple in!
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
  • silver_arrow3
    silver_arrow3 Posts: 1,373 Member

    Those are Caramel De-Lites now, or some crap like that... I pre-ordered four (I think?) boxes of cookies a couple weeks ago. I don't share them and will eat every single one of them myself. :love:
  • kamyers1289
    kamyers1289 Posts: 129 Member
    I can't even resist the GSC. Thin mints are literally my crack, and I do buy them religiously every single year. Stay within the servings....kinda....
  • redversustheblue
    redversustheblue Posts: 1,216 Member
    I think Girl Scout Cookies are too expensive for how many you get. Plus, I find the Keebler's Coconut Dream cookies to be almost an exact replica of the delicious Samoas, so I haven't bothered with them for quite some time. Plus, no one walks around selling them door to door where I live anyway.
  • mzco14
    mzco14 Posts: 91 Member
    Yes sir, all my friends are already asking to order in advance. I will order a few boxes but i plan to freeze most of them. PS the Girl Scouts in MD take credit cards on their IPhones, LOL
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
    I think Girl Scout Cookies are too expensive for how many you get. Plus, I find the Keebler's Coconut Dream cookies to be almost an exact replica of the delicious Samoas, so I haven't bothered with them for quite some time. Plus, no one walks around selling them door to door where I live anyway.

    ^^^--- All of the above. Nice post!
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    Girl Scouts around here allow you to donate boxes to the troops. You could support the girl scouts and the troops.

    Or you could just eat the whole box in one day by yourself.
  • Tatonka_usn
    Tatonka_usn Posts: 433 Member
    My older daughter is Brownie, and I just noticed the order sheet on the kitchen table last night. Looks like it's THAT time of year again..... :noway: :grumble:
  • Howl2013
    Howl2013 Posts: 32 Member
    I can't even resist the GSC. Thin mints are literally my crack, and I do buy them religiously every single year. Stay within the servings....kinda....

    Okay - I may be very late on the bandwagon on this one, but have folks had the Starbucks Peppermint Mocha (had my first this winter)? Man! It's like drinking warm, liquid, Thin Mints. Delish And only 130 cal if you get the Skinny version.

    Edited to say OP I laughed heartily at the comment on Thin Mints servings.
  • mbeuchert24
    mbeuchert24 Posts: 204 Member
    Okay - I may be very late on the bandwagon on this one, but have folks had the Starbucks Peppermint Mocha (had my first this winter)? Man! It's like drinking warm, liquid, Thin Mints. Delish And only 130 cal if you get the Skinny version.

    I've just been getting them with non-fat milk...does it get skinnier?? Because I love those things!
  • kamyers1289
    kamyers1289 Posts: 129 Member
    I can't even resist the GSC. Thin mints are literally my crack, and I do buy them religiously every single year. Stay within the servings....kinda....

    Okay - I may be very late on the bandwagon on this one, but have folks had the Starbucks Peppermint Mocha (had my first this winter)? Man! It's like drinking warm, liquid, Thin Mints. Delish And only 130 cal if you get the Skinny version.

    Edited to say OP I laughed heartily at the comment on Thin Mints servings.

    Oh man, the peppermint mochas are killer! I hate the skinny syrups, so I just got it nonfat no whip 1 pump each of the regular syrup. Which is what I do with all my Starbucks drinks, actually :)
  • mom2boxerdogs
    mom2boxerdogs Posts: 22 Member
    LMAO! This post was hysterical! :laugh: