bleh, bleh, bleh...

chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
yep. so, i ate cheese nips and ice cream for lunch. and a can of dr. pepper. didn't see that coming! i will go to the gym and work out like a fiend, no problem. but i have a problem with letting go of my junk food. i don't know if i will ever get to where i don't want it. at least i didn't eat the entire box, and i probably only at about 1/2 a serving of ice cream...but, come on! will i ever get over this addiction, or can i still have my cake and eat it at the gym?


  • misliziz
    misliziz Posts: 3 Member
    You can do that, but the problem is that you aren't getting the nutrition that your body requires. I know I used to do the same thing. But don't try and stop all at once....just little baby steps are fine. Limit your junk food and gradually wean yourself off of it. I know when I work out extra hard my body really craves good food not the junk.
  • MrsSki
    MrsSki Posts: 196
    You can have your cake and eat it at the gym, you just need to control your urges a bit. I'm terrible when it's TOM for me, I can't seem to stop craving chocolate. So I eat chocolate, but I try to build it into my day and eat a smaller portion, savoring every bite. This way you aren't completely depriving yourself, you're still getting your junk food fix, but are being smarter about it. It will become easier, and you will be able to overcome this!

    And everyone has slip-ups, just realize that you have made a mistake and move on, nothing you can do about it now! Good luck.
  • abbychelle07
    abbychelle07 Posts: 656 Member
    Every day is a new day! Can you allow yourself one "treat" every day, maybe AFTER exercising???? Good luck!
  • amscobra
    amscobra Posts: 73
    Nabisco has great cheese nips 100 calorie snacks, try those instead of the regular. You can still have what you love, but in a smaller portions and less calories. If your not already doing so, I find that making a lunch ahead of time and taking it with you helps.
  • Versha19
    Versha19 Posts: 20
    as long as you are staying on track with calories and arent going over too much on your carbs and sugars you should be alright.....the more you workout the more you can eat and if you find a healthy balance between junk food and healthy food then youll be alright maybe give yourself cut off times like NO MORE JUNK FOOD after 2pm or Saturday I can eat whatever I want. You just have to find out what works for you because everyone is different!!! Good luck and Im sure youre gonnaa do great!!!! :) Friend me if you need inspiration or someone to do this journey with Im a sucker for Pizza and Chocolate Chip Cookies and I am def not giving them up!!! Good luck girlie!!
  • AnnMarieerie
    AnnMarieerie Posts: 2 Member
    I understand where you are coming from! The problem is that your body is used to the junk food and craves it. The best thing to do is cut it out "cold turkey"- nothing AT ALL for 3 weeks.

    It takes 21 days to break an old habit and to get your system to "reset" and adjust. If you really go 21 days without the junk food, on day 22 if you taste the junk food, it will not taste good anymore. You'll be able to taste the grease and fat and yuckiness.

    Just keep telling yourself, I only have to eat clean for 21 days and count them down. Most anyone can do anything for 21 days.....

    Also, to keep you from the intense cravings try to keep your blood sugar level. Eat 6 small meals a day (every 2 to 2.5 hours) with lean protein, "good" carbs and good fat included at each meal- it will help immensely.
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