I feel weird about T25

So I'm currently on Day 4 of T25 and Cardio has been the most difficult workout (yet) and the one I think I can just do in the whole Alpha phase because it really pushes me and it's cardio.. idk sweat sweat sweat and thighs burning, like a mini-insanity.

I know I've yet to go further with T25 to really judge it but there's just something about the program that makes me feel like I'm not really into it. The other workouts make you sweat and all but most of the time I really can't go through them without modifying though I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that. I'm sorry if I can't give a clear explanation.

I feel like Insanity is better in terms of burning fat and losing weight AND more enjoyable? Or is that just me? Maybe it's because T25 doesn't make me sweat as much compared to Insanity that's why I'm having this weird feeling.. I also think that T25 might not be able to give me the results I'm expecting in a month. Or I should just think positive? I eat clean and follow my calorie deficit.

Should I still go further? I was also planning on mixing T25 and Insanity by doing Insanity workouts during the weekends.


  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I really don't understand your weird feelings about the workout, but sometimes a workout just doesn't work. You may want to like it, but you can't always make yourself like it.

    If T25 is not a fit for you, then find something else that does.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I don't think that's weird, there were workouts in that program that I absolutely hated and had to make myself do. Not because they were tough, I just wasn't into them. I was bored by the end of both phases and didn't go on to Gamma because of it. I don't think there's anything wrong with creating a hybrid program if that will hold your interest or just dropping it completely and doing something else instead to get the results you want.
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    Exactly like me, it just isn't as good as insanity is it lol. I quit after the second week and plan to re-start Insanity instead soon.
  • mmargarette
    mmargarette Posts: 89 Member
    Exactly like me, it just isn't as good as insanity is it lol. I quit after the second week and plan to re-start Insanity instead soon.

    I'll try to finish till the second or third week. If I still feel like it's not as good as Insanity, theeen.. back to Insanity!
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    I just felt like it wasn't challenging enough and had too many silly moves, like clapping under my knees (Rosemary Conley style) and dancing (its not supposed to be hip hop abs).

    Each to their own though!
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    So you can make it in Insanity without modifying but T25 you modify? That doesn't sound right, I have done most of the videos and if you can do Insanity, T25 shouldn't be modified... And your only on Day 4.. give it some time I mean you probably paid $150 for it... push yourself harder and move faster than they are on the video if you don't feel a sweat.
  • 4themoney
    4themoney Posts: 797 Member
    I would say give it a little more time. try a doubles friday.

    if you have to modify T25 you have room for improvement. i don't know that you can use sweat as a measuring tool for it being effective or not. i challenged myself to lose 20 inches in 37 days using T25 and i ended up losing 17.5 inches..... Beta is different than alpha, it incorporates weights. and gamma takes it up another notch, and does pyramid exercises..... i'd say at least finish out a week or two :-)