Feeling sick exercising?



  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    While you were working out were you drinking water? I know that guzzling water during a workout can make you feel really sick. If you have to have water during your workout make sure to take small sips, not gulps. If you're only doing 30 minutes you don't really need to have water during unless it's unseasonably hot out. I typically don't bring my water bottle into the gym with me, I either leave it in the car or in my locker and then replenish after the workout is over.
  • ohmyjiggle
    ohmyjiggle Posts: 71 Member
    I drank about half a bottle while I was working out. A regular size bottle.
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    Maybe you tried to do too much too soon.

    Even those that are not overweight should start out slow and gradually increase if they have not been exercising.


    Totally this! It is really not like in the 'Biggest loser' you have to continue till you puke. Just start slowly and gradually build it up. When I started working out I was pooped after 10 minutes of spinning already, now I can easily work out for 60 minutes and more.

    I guess you are right, but I just have always thought "you are supposed to push through it"

    That apparently is not going to work lol

    Pushing through doesn't have to mean overdoing it. I started with 10 minutes, then a week later with 15, then 20, etc... You can build up slowly as well if that gives you a better feeling. Exercise should make you feel better about yourself afterwards, not worse. Before you know it you come at a point where you are really capable to push yourself. Building up your condition goes fast.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Oh man, that sucks!!
    Ouch, feel for you - thankfully mine did fade away and I was riding motorbikes a lot then, so didn't do a massive amount of exercise - after a bit I was ok on a push bike unless I REALLY went for it.
    Feel for you - I'm lucky in that I might get a couple of head aches a year (ignoring drinking, though that's pretty rare at the moment too.)