DVT and working out

Hi there,

I have recently been diagnosed as having a blood clot in my left calf. Am just wondering if this will have an impact on my workouts? Is there anything I SHOULDN'T be doing?

Is there anybody here with a similar problem?


  • jbruhn
    jbruhn Posts: 9 Member
    I had a DVT in my calf several years ago and was admitted to the hospital as soon as it was discovered. DVT's are nothing to mess around with. I was put on blood thinners to disolve the clot because they didn't want a piece of it to break off and travel to my lungs.
  • jessicagilb
    jessicagilb Posts: 69 Member
    you SHOULDN'T be working out! activity, esp. strenuous, puts you at high HIGH risk of the clot breaking loose and moving from your leg to your heart or lung.. thats a critical-life threatening situation. Your dr should've advised you of that. what treatment are you getting for this?