What's Your Idea Size in Jeans or Clothes???



  • mamalake
    mamalake Posts: 1 Member
    I'm now size 14(Aus). Would love to be size 10.
  • Dovekat
    Dovekat Posts: 263 Member
    I have found that most stores have their own idea what each size is and so I've decided on the measurements I'd like to reach instead lol. ATM I am anything from a UK 12 to a 16 depending on where I look. This is a very useful little calculator I thought I would share :smile: http://sizes.darkgreener.com/

    Edit for spelling.
  • gemaquaries
    gemaquaries Posts: 79 Member
    A perfect 8. I'm pretty tall and have a "shapely" behind so I know anything smaller than that and i'll be too thin. I'd be really happy with a 10 again (I miss those days :) )
  • czechwolf52
    czechwolf52 Posts: 194 Member
    Right now I'm an 8, I would like to go down another size and be a comfortable 6. I have a large muscular frame so I probably won't be able to get any smaller. I wouldn't complain if I maintained my current weight. My prom dress from 4 years ago was a 15/16, and lately when I've been feeling big I put that on and it's such a great visual reminder when it literally falls off me.
  • positivechic1978
    I would love to get to size 12-14.
  • annekka
    annekka Posts: 517 Member
    At my highest I was probably a size 10 at least. Right now I'm about at a size 4-6 in pants and a size 6-8 in shirts. I'd love to be a solid lower number for both of those, but it's no longer about just losing weight for me anymore.
  • grneyedgoddess77
    grneyedgoddess77 Posts: 58 Member
    I have a large frame - at my smallest my jeans size was a 12. Maybe because I will always have a booty. :)
  • victoriousO
    victoriousO Posts: 63 Member
    I would love to get into a loose 12! I would call myself thick from head to toe so it takes a good 20 lbs to loose one size!!!
  • Kaytee86
    Kaytee86 Posts: 88 Member
    I would just be happy to be able to shop at the mall and go into most stores, rather than just two, and find things that fit me. So that takes me to needing to be roughly size 12-14 before that will start happening around here.
  • Marihor
    I'm currently using size 13 but I would love to re-use a size 9...
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    Eh, I can't think in terms like that because sizing is so super wonky all around for women. If you make your emotional well-being contingent on being size X but you try on jeans that look amazing on you but are size X+2 because that line runs small or whatever, it only serves to make you crazy.

    This is the truth! In my favorite brand and fit of jeans, I am a size 7/8. I can get the same brand in a different fit and have to go up to a 9/10. I would rather be happy with how my body looks in and out of clothes.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    10 in most clothes, 12 in jeans. No smaller, as 90% of my wardrobe is that size range, and I refuse to buy more clothes.
  • doodlecakes_07
    doodlecakes_07 Posts: 69 Member
    At my highest, I had a size 10, but now I'm a 4. Ideally, I'd like to be a size 2, but I'm not sure that'd be realistic for me. My goal is to have roomy 4s.
  • dmt4641
    dmt4641 Posts: 409 Member
    I'm currently a 6-8 and aiming for a 4. I haven't been a 4 since before kids so we will see.
  • MandyMason7
    MandyMason7 Posts: 185 Member
    I want to be a size 6 and that's the goal I'm working towards. I started out in a 22 and am now a 10.
  • kelliedieng40
    A size 8. I'm wearing a size 16 right and my goal is to get into a size 8 by June.
  • Makoce
    Makoce Posts: 938 Member
    I was a size 13, and im current a size 3 juniors. But I can also fit into size 0 shorts! So Im pretty happy!
  • Maggs_2009
    I hope everyone meets there jean size. Its a thrill when you go shopping a find out you met goal. But with my self I never seem satisfied. My first goal when I was a tight 18 was 11 then I blew my mind into a 4.
  • mumtoonegirl
    mumtoonegirl Posts: 586 Member
    I am currently in the smallest size I have been in since puberty, not bad for a woman in her early 40s!

    Anyway I am currently in a size 6, I'm 5'11". All through high school I was size 10 so I have to say I am where I never thought I would be.

    At my heaviest I was in a size 16 and they were tight.
  • patnrol
    I would like to be a 12, but I can't maintain that lifestyle. I will be happy to maintain at a 14 at 48 years old and 2 kids and 1 c-section.