Wedding Dress Worries

I am posting with hopes of advice!
I am getting married at the end of August! I'm so super thrilled and cannot wait. Except theres one problem....I bought my dress two years ago.... and in those two years I had surgery that kept me non mobile for 3 months...there for gained weight.
Weight wise I need to lose 25 lbs to fit back into the dress.
I haven't scheduled any fitting to start the alteration - mainly because I am petrified. I am so scared the woman is going to tell me I can't fit into it and I'm SOL... I have a zipper back which I know I can ask them to probably alter into a corset back which will help me out but i DO NOT want to have to do that just to fit into the dress....
Ive gotten some advice from a good friend who has lost a bit of weight in the past few months due to high high blood pressure. but I would love more advice from ya'll!! Advice about nutrition and weight loss....not false assumptions about me.

I do not open my diary because i've been battered before. I am sticking to a 1200 calorie diet...somedays i hit 1300. I work out three days a week and track that as well to maintain a net 1200,

I just want to look beautiful on my wedding day


  • PaulaRicco
    PaulaRicco Posts: 35 Member
    First of all, every bride is beautiful! You will most definitely look Beautiful!

    Go for a fitting. ASAP. Explain to the seamstress exactly what you explained here - that you've gained weight due to surgery. And then talk to her about your options - you might not have to lose 25 lbs to fit back into it. Bridal dresses are sized very differently than regular clothing. They also tend to run a bit large becasue they know all brides have alterations get that perfect wedding day fit. Just go in there with a positive and realistic attitude and find out where you're at. Once you know, you can formulate a plan on where you are going.

    Also, work with a trainer. Maybe not forever and maybe not every workout, but working with a professional will get you on the right track! Speaking to a nutritionist will also help. Knowing you have a set amount of day to reach your goal, working with professionals and using their advice will help you make the most of your time. Then you can log all of your progress on MFP to keep you accountable and you will have the support of the MFP community.

    YOU GOT THIS! <3 Add me as a friend if you want. :)
  • You will be beautiful no matter what, But I do know what you mean.Its scary to face actual numbers BUT I say go for a fitting. We cant make a plan for our success until we know exactly what were dealing with. August is plenty of time for you to get those darn surgery pounds off. Go for it! You can do it and just think those wedding day pics will always remind you that you can do anything you put your mind to. It sounds like you have already overcome so much in life this you can do too!
  • ellenmg
    ellenmg Posts: 26 Member
    It sounds like you are on the right track!
    I wouldn't think you would need to go for a fitting quite yet anyway, but maybe next month or so (?). Just keep plugging away!
    It's all about having a little deficit at the end of each day, so eating healthy snacks like fruits and veggies, and doing some exercise each day.
    Good luck!