looking for buddies on mpf and couch to5k to share jouney

21shaza Posts: 6 Member
Hi I am trying to get my head around mfp in the hope I can lose weight. I'm new to mfp and I currently do no excersise but want to start the nhs couch to 5k podcast. So my question is should I use the tdde way and put in I excercise at a moderate or light level (pretending that I already do my couch to 5 k) so I don't need to worry about eating back calories?
Also if I set my goals carbs 30% Fat 30% and protein 40% is this seem ok ?
I would love any advice on this, and any people wanting to become friends and share stories help each other welcome to friend me.


  • bloodhoundlady
    bloodhoundlady Posts: 80 Member
    I just started the cp5k though I phone on the zen app. I think your percentages are fine if you go for low carb. I tend to go for a 40% carb and 30% protein but that is my preference. How much did you want to lose? My advice is to eat as non processed and Clean as you can. I have been with mfp for only a couple weeks but doing clean for around 6 months but you will lose if you stay focus, track your food and get moving.Good luck.

    You can friend me if you like and I will be happy to help and motivate you along your way.
  • ataylorgardner
    ataylorgardner Posts: 203 Member
    I think your goals look fine. You can always adjust them later if they are not working. I agree with bloodhound that the main thing is to make sure you are eating clean and as non-processed as possible. I ran a 5k a few years ago but havent done any running in a while. I was thinking about starting up again but will probably wait until March when the snow starts to melt. I have a really fun app on my phone called Zombies 5K. it is similar to the couch to 5K program but has a zombie apacolypse story that goes along with it to keep you entertained. lol! I am excited to use it.

    In the meantime I would love to be friends and help each other out. I dont usually eat my calories back but I like to leave myself a buffer for those days I get really hungry lol!