I have a Munchie Buddie!

firespnr Posts: 15 Member
I'm so excited! I have a new Munchie Buddy. Do you have one? What a great idea.

My munchie buddie will help hold me accountable when I want to eat my late night snacks. I message my MB 3 reasons why I want the snack. By doing this I am forced to stop and think about why I want my snack. Telling them will help me identify how many times, why and when I go into "Munchie" mode. The thought of telling someone else is scary enough for me to know it will be effective.


  • Melissajordan09
    Melissajordan09 Posts: 11 Member
    Thats awesome! I want one too. :) I know I could use one at midnight when I wake up DYING for something sweet. :)
  • MarKayDee
    MarKayDee Posts: 196
    I don't have a munchie buddie but I do text my best friend in Florida pictures of my meals. She lost something like 90lbs when she moved back home, she kinda my "don't eat your weigh in pasta" guardian angel.