Do I really need to eat breakfast?

I hate breakfast, I hate eggs, and eating before noon or so has always either made me feel sick to my stomach or starving, but I know that breakfast is supposed to be good for you especially when you're losing weight, but do I really need to eat first thing or is it just another lie, like how many carbs the food pyramid says I need?


  • jess135177
    jess135177 Posts: 186 Member
    You don't need to eat breakfast if you don't want to. Timing of meals isn't important as long as you are eating the correct amount of calories. Personally I eat breakfast because I wake up every morning STARVING and I am very unpleasant in the morning if I skip it. Whatever works for you!
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    Yes! I’m sure that you have heard that it’s the most important meal of the day, that’s not far from the truth. I’m sure you’ve also heard the importance of eating more frequent but smaller meals, also great advice. You don’t necessarily have to eat a big breakfast but eat something, it kick starts the metabolism. Try something higher in protein as it makes you feel full and last longer. You will get hungry before lunch time, that is good, have a healthy snack standing by. Also, drink plenty of water that helps to keep you feeling full longer and suppresses your appetite.
    Good luck!
  • Vorenus85
    Vorenus85 Posts: 112 Member
    You don’t necessarily have to eat a big breakfast but eat something, it kick starts the metabolism.

    No, your metabolism doesn't shutdown and start back up, so you don't need to kick start anything.

    @OP Meal timing isn't important. What's important is staying under your calorie goal. When you choose to eat those calories is entirely up to you. The only thing skipping breakfast might affect is your mood and possibly hunger levels throughout the day.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    As stated, you don't need to eat breakfast. Also, if you are hungry, you don't have to eat breakfast foods at breakfast. I used to eat salads with grilled chicken and veggies, which would keep me feeling full until lunch. If you're not hungry at all, skip it and save the calories for later in the day.
  • stt43
    stt43 Posts: 487
    Yes! I’m sure that you have heard that it’s the most important meal of the day, that’s not far from the truth. I’m sure you’ve also heard the importance of eating more frequent but smaller meals, also great advice. You don’t necessarily have to eat a big breakfast but eat something, it kick starts the metabolism.

    This is all very far from the truth.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    No, you don't need to eat breakfast if you don't want to. People have different preferences with meal size/frequency/timing. I'm not much of a breakfast eater either, so I usually don't eat until early afternoon.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I hate breakfast, I hate eggs, and eating before noon or so has always either made me feel sick to my stomach or starving, but I know that breakfast is supposed to be good for you especially when you're losing weight, but do I really need to eat first thing or is it just another lie, like how many carbs the food pyramid says I need?

    It's not a lie, it's a generalization. Statistics show that those who breakfast tend to weigh less overall.

    You don't have to eat first thing, you don't have to eat eggs for breakfast, you don't have to eat any certain number of carbs for breakfast.

    If skipping breakfast causes you to overeat later in the day, then you should eat breakfast. If you can stick to your calories goals while skipping breakfast, then skip it (if you want).
  • vs_shine
    vs_shine Posts: 1,322 Member
    Hey :-) good question. This works for me!

    Eat a small breakfast within the first hour of waking up.
    Get at least 300 calories and 10 grams of protein.
    It jump starts your metabolism and gives your body the fuel it needs to function properly.
    And prepare a healthy snack before lunch time :-) try apples and peanut butter

    Check out this informative link:
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Hey :-) good question. This works for me!

    Eat a small breakfast within the first hour of waking up.
    Get at least 300 calories and 10 grams of protein.
    It jump starts your metabolism and gives your body the fuel it needs to function properly.
    And prepare a healthy snack before lunch time :-) try apples and peanut butter

    Check out this informative link:
    Breakfast does not jumpstart your metabolism; meal timing doesn't effect your metabolism in any appreciable way. The article you link to talks about the "psychological benefit" of eating breakfast. And that benefit is going to vary from person to person since no two minds are alike.
  • Codilee87
    Codilee87 Posts: 509 Member
    Timing of meals is actually quite crucial for some people.

    Studies have shown that, in groups of people who are the same weight and body type who eat the same number of calories each day, those who eat the bulk of their calories early in the day lose more weight than those who ate their largest meal in the evening.

    The reason you feel sick when you eat in the morning is because your body has been conserving calories while you sleep and your metabolism is still low (rendering your appetite almost non-existent). So try a piece of fruit as soon as you get up, then shower, get dressed, etc and eat your proper breakfast after your body has had some time to wake up properly.

    And feeling ravenous after eating breakfast, indicates a high metabolism.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Some people overcompensate after missing breakfast, so eating breakfast reduces overall intake. But those are people who are eating what their body feels like eating.

    If you're counting calories and able to achieve target calories/macros, it doesn't matter when you do it. Whatever is most comfortable.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Studies have shown that, in groups of people who are the same weight and body type who eat the same number of calories each day, those who eat the bulk of their calories early in the day lose more weight than those who ate their largest meal in the evening.

    Please link to these studies.
  • danagisana
    danagisana Posts: 42 Member
    I used to always think you had to because that's what experts seemed to say. I love breakfast. But I find I am not hungry in the morning anymore and if I'm not hungry I'm not eating. I will eat to fuel my body when I'm hungry not just because a clock says so.
    But whatever works for you personally is the best.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    There are lots of interesting studies on breakfast. Here are a couple recent ones:
  • lynnerack
    lynnerack Posts: 158 Member
    Mr Kellog has a lot to answer for! If you don't want to eat breakfast don't!:smile:
  • worm5996
    worm5996 Posts: 28 Member
    I don't eat first thing in the morning. I am probably up a good 2-4 hours before I eat anything. I just can't eat right after getting up. But, I also don't like most of your typical breakfast foods. Though I do like eggs, just not every day. So I eat non typical foods for breakfast. Soup usually. I love soup! So eat soup for breakfast. It works for me.
  • MarKayDee
    MarKayDee Posts: 196
    Thank you all for the input, it makes me feel a lot better about not wanting to eat in the mornings.
    I've been gighting my way through eggs because my two year old loves them and he eats healthier than I have been for a bit. Maybe when he and I are eating breakfast together I'll just have to make us different meals so we can both be happy.
  • vs_shine
    vs_shine Posts: 1,322 Member
    Hey :-) good question. This works for me!

    Eat a small breakfast within the first hour of waking up.
    Get at least 300 calories and 10 grams of protein.
    It jump starts your metabolism and gives your body the fuel it needs to function properly.
    And prepare a healthy snack before lunch time :-) try apples and peanut butter

    Check out this informative link:
    Breakfast does not jumpstart your metabolism; meal timing doesn't effect your metabolism in any appreciable way. The article you link to talks about the "psychological benefit" of eating breakfast. And that benefit is going to vary from person to person since no two minds are alike.


    Eating breakfast has both physical and psychological benefits. and that's great!

    Food helps you stay focused and alert during your day.

    “For sustainable energy, partner high-fiber foods with proteins that promote alertness, like egg whites, turkey, chicken, fish, and lean meats.” Susan Kraus, MS, RD,

    Also See...
    Best Fat Burning Breakfasts,,20406798,00.html

    Eat like a Nutritionist:

    Good Luck to you with your weight Loss Goals!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Hey :-) good question. This works for me!

    Eat a small breakfast within the first hour of waking up.
    Get at least 300 calories and 10 grams of protein.
    It jump starts your metabolism and gives your body the fuel it needs to function properly.
    And prepare a healthy snack before lunch time :-) try apples and peanut butter

    Check out this informative link:
    Breakfast does not jumpstart your metabolism; meal timing doesn't effect your metabolism in any appreciable way. The article you link to talks about the "psychological benefit" of eating breakfast. And that benefit is going to vary from person to person since no two minds are alike.


    Eating breakfast has both physical and psychological benefits. and that's great!

    Food helps you stay focused and alert during your day.

    “For sustainable energy, partner high-fiber foods with proteins that promote alertness, like egg whites, turkey, chicken, fish, and lean meats.” Susan Kraus, MS, RD,

    Also See...
    Best Fat Burning Breakfasts,,20406798,00.html

    Eat like a Nutritionist:

    Good Luck to you with your weight Loss Goals!

    It doesn't do any of that if you hate eating it, and eating in the morning makes you feel bad (which it does to many people).

    People should time their meals in a way that makes them feel best and makes it easiest to hit their nutrition goals, end of story.
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    Whenever I don't eat breakfast I tend to overeat during the day. If you are going to skip breakfast then at least have Brunch.