Nutrisystem, etc.

I didn't do nutrisystem or anything, but my aunt was doing it and had some stuff around and gave my family some. I was stoked, free, apparently "healthy" convenient food. I added a Nutrisystem blueberry muffin, and ate a cranberry orange scone along with my day. First of all, it tasted like cooked paper. I eat some pretty healthy food, but this stuff tasted disgusting. Secondly, it tore my stomach up. I felt like crap all day, and the next day too. I don't know how the system works, but I just wanted to let people know, DON'T DO IT! I'd seen the commercials before and thought the food looked good and it looked easy, but DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY. I don't like to think of people wasting their time and money on this kind of stuff when it'd would taste better and be a hundred times better for you to eat regular food. This has probably been discussed before but I wanted to let people know about my experience in case they were thinking of trying it.

Has anyone else tried Nutrisystem or a similar diet? Any success? Did you enjoy the food?


  • jennylynn84
    I too have never been on it. My boss got on Nutrisystem at one point, however. So I got to witness her eating this food at least once a day. First of all - gross. She seriously had a chicken noodle soup you had to crack the top of like creme brulee, only it was grosser inside. I wrote it all off right then and there. As for tearing up your stomach.... she had TERRIBLE gas while eating it. I'm not sure if that's what you meant or not, but it was seriously disturbing. She said she'd never had gas like that when she wasn't pregnant. I'm not sure what is in that stuff, but ew. Earning the nickname "Pootrisystem" at my office did not make me likely to ever eat it.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I tried it in 2006.
    Some of the food was okay but the majority was inedible for me. I lost about 15 pounds in 3 weeks, quit because it was so expensive (you have to buy all kinds of food to eat IN ADDITION to the food they send you) and so gross. And then I gained about 50 pounds over the next couple of years because I learned nothing.

    I started MFP almost a year ago. With every other "diet" I've tried, I would have gained back all the weight I lost on it & then some by now. But this time a year later I'm still losing. It's pretty much all about educating yourself on how to eat and exercise in a way that is sustainable for the rest of your life. No diet -- Nutrisystem, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, etc -- is going to do that for you.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Now you know why your Aunt had it lying around!:bigsmile:
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I tried it a few years ago. I didn't mind the taste or have any gas like you mentioned. However I also didn't lose any weight. For almost $400 bucks a month I was super pissed.
  • jennylynn84
    I tried it in 2006.
    Some of the food was okay but the majority was inedible for me. I lost about 15 pounds in 3 weeks, quit because it was so expensive (you have to buy all kinds of food to eat IN ADDITION to the food they send you) and so gross. And then I gained about 50 pounds over the next couple of years because I learned nothing.

    I started MFP almost a year ago. With every other "diet" I've tried, I would have gained back all the weight I lost on it & then some by now. But this time a year later I'm still losing. It's pretty much all about educating yourself on how to eat and exercise in a way that is sustainable for the rest of your life. No diet -- Nutrisystem, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, etc -- is going to do that for you.

    As usual, I tend to agree with LittleSpy. I lost a ton of weight using SlimFast back in high school. But unless you drink that crap for the rest of your life you're gonna gain weight back because you really haven't learned anything. I don't like being a promoter of the "they'll gain the weight back" line, but if you learn absolutely nothing about how to eat properly (only how many of those "rich" chocolate shakes you can stand before screaming "NO MORE!") then you're not likely to continue to be successful on real food.

    So, aside from it being completely nasty (if it was good, I'd probably eat more than they recommended, lol) there's always the "is it sustainable" aspect she brings up.

    Not worth it, IMO.
  • skinnytayy
    skinnytayy Posts: 459
    My mom did it and lost a ton of weight ... She liked it other than the portions were small. I wouldn't recommend it for anything that wants a lifestyle change b/c once you quit, the weight will come back like any other diet. But if you can eat ridiculously small portions then it's not too bad. Maybe it just the specific food you tried?
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    LOL a photographer friend of mine lost a load of weight on NS and had half our photography forum frothing at the mouth to sign up. I was one of them and let me tell you, what arrived at my house was a large, expensive box of the most disgusting, inedible food I'd ever had the displeasure of putting in my mouth. GROSS! The only thing even halfway decent was the blueberry lemon bar. Everything else, bleck!!