

  • Hey, how do you log the photos for the Veggie Pact? I just started and I can't find a way to upload photos or take them with Pact on the Android app.
  • lukewind
    lukewind Posts: 177 Member

    everyone should be doing that anyway. dont tie it to something negative like punishment.


    I have used Pact for over a year and its not really negative at all. You can choose how much money you are charged if you fail to meet a pact. 5-50 bucks is the range I think. In one year I only managed to be charged once, but made $145. They now have Calorie Diary Pacts, which sync directly with MFP, and they also have a fruit and veggie pact. They key to doing it is to not set your pact up for every day of the week. I do 6 days of calorie counting, and 4 days of exercise. Its not stressful or hard to do. This way if you have bad day and something goes wrong you are not gonna break your pact.

    I don't do the fruit and veggie pact anymore because taking photos of myself eating veggies just annoyed me, but besided that PACT is a good way of being accountable. Its not for everyone but it can help.