
  • hellokatee
    hellokatee Posts: 211 Member
    DAY TWO with no fast food! Yesterday was actually hard for me. I was sick and really did not want to cook. I wasn't exactly good yesterday, but I didn't eat out. I made a bag of popcorn and some toast!!!

    I felt a little better this morning, fortunately. And I have eaten normally!

    I hope everyone is doing well. :)
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    Good job Katy!

    I actually would have cooked for dinner last night but we didn't have much. Still don't but I'll get groceries in the morning. I ended up with PB&J for dinner. I had to snack a bit more cause that didn't keep me full but I had the calories.

    Lunch today was the hardest. I had to run to the store for some stuff. I did buy some lunch stuff but its so easy to just stop at Wendy's on the way back. I didn't though!! Awesome!

    Day 3 is looking pretty good so far.
  • Im in and i will make my husband do it with me. Its just so easy to get something quick especially when you dont feel like cooking. If we do have to stop at a fast food place i will be getting a salad :) This is a great challenge. My starting weight is 197.
  • colleen_mairead
    colleen_mairead Posts: 36 Member
    I'm gonna start a couple days late here, but I think it'll be okay! Today is my first day with new weight loss goals, cutting fast food might as well be one of them!

    Starting weight: 305lbs.
  • WarningHillAhead
    WarningHillAhead Posts: 22 Member
    I too will start this 3 days late, but I too will do this challenge! Does it include restaurants of all kinds, or just fast food chains? If no one says, I'll just assume the latter. Starting at 190 lbs.
  • Starting late & handicapped (no scale until 2 wks from today) but I'm in!!! We don't do fast food often, but it's better 2 cut it completely...even if for only one month!!! Then maybe a night out 2 celebrate!! ;-) JK (I think)
  • I am in on this one, only if it doesn't include non fat sugar free lattes lol.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    I think we are taking from it what we need.

    I am trying to incoporate pizza. We had pizza on Tuesday - I ordered a salad. I did have a piece though - it wasn't Sept yet. :smile:

    I am allowing myself to go to Subway and restaurants. Mostly the restaurants because we rarely do it and can't afford it as much. I can justify fast food easier, so its more of a struggle.

    Actually, I did hit up McDonalds on Thursday, but it was just a coffee - that's allowable to me.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Okay I am in! I did have sharky's today for lunch, but the naked enchilada which is noted in my food diary. I didn't finish the entire thing so the caloric intake was under 300 calories.

    Wednesday and Thursday was Whole Foods market which is what I typically will get for lunch. I will try to cut out the Sharky's next week but find out of all the "fast food" choices it is tolerable because of their naked menu.

    Yay for help and motivation!
  • hellokatee
    hellokatee Posts: 211 Member
    How is everyone doing? It is day five of the FAST FOOD CHALLENGE! I just wanted to let everyone know that this challenge is totally your interpretation! Personally, I am not eating ANYTHING from restaurants, fast food places, or even Subway. I will only eat things from the grocery store! I don't expect you to have the same definition as "no fast food" as I do! As long as you are happy with how you are taking on this challenge, then more power to you!

    I have been doing really well, personally!

    I went to McDonald's yesterday to get a Diet Coke and didn't order anything else. They suck you in with the $1 soda and then you end up buying other things. But not me!

    I wish you all luck in the coming week of this challenge! Post your experiences, victories, and struggles! We can all learn from each other!
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    I had a late night last night (this morning actually) and usually the day after I will drive through McDonalds on the way home but refrained. Instead, I got some Lean Cuisines for my "junk food day after a party" food. I snacked on carrots and had a jello cup this morning for "breakfast" on my way home.

    I am going to cut out Sharky's next week and stick with measured portions from Whole Foods Market for lunch for the remainder of the week.

    Good job Katee on not allowing them to suck you in!
  • WarningHillAhead
    WarningHillAhead Posts: 22 Member
    Had a Subway sammich today (oh noes!), was this allowed? I got plenty of veggies on it, so no worries. So far, so good!
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    We hadn't made it to the grocery store til Saturday, so Friday was tough. But, I opted for Subway. Hubby didn't care so it worked. We did go to breakfast in the morning, but went to a restaurant. I ate nothing I wouldn't have been able to prepare myself if I had the food in the house.

    Went to the grocery store afterwards and we should be good - at least until next payday!! It helps to spend all your money at the store to not tempt you into fast food.

    Katy - I feel the same about McDs. I like their unsweetened iced tea - can't beat $1. As far as fast food goes, I've gotten away from really caring for McDonalds. I still crave some of the others, but not this place so much - which is awesome!!
  • hellokatee
    hellokatee Posts: 211 Member
    Hey guys! Today was day seven without fast food! How is everyone doing?

    Today I forgot my lunch and had to drive all the way home on my break. It wasn't so bad, I just made myself a yummy sandwich!

    Fast food???? Who needs that!!!

  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    Awesome!! We've accomplished one whole week! Maybe by the end of this we won't get the cravings and our body will just reject the fast food. Wouldn't that be great!?!?

    Still doing good here. Made some yummy steak, egg, and cheese sandwiches for dinner last night. Tonight, I'm making fixins for tacos. That'll last me a few days and is lunch ready. Not sure if I want to put it all in a casserole or just make the things separately - probly separate then I can make yummy salads.
  • hellokatee
    hellokatee Posts: 211 Member
    Awesome!! We've accomplished one whole week! Maybe by the end of this we won't get the cravings and our body will just reject the fast food. Wouldn't that be great!?!?

    Still doing good here. Made some yummy steak, egg, and cheese sandwiches for dinner last night. Tonight, I'm making fixins for tacos. That'll last me a few days and is lunch ready. Not sure if I want to put it all in a casserole or just make the things separately - probly separate then I can make yummy salads.

    I made fajitas last night! They were SO good! Also, I haven't thought about getting fast food in three days! Last night I realized it hadn't even crossed my mind! I REJECT YOU!!! :):):)
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    Awesome!! We've accomplished one whole week! Maybe by the end of this we won't get the cravings and our body will just reject the fast food. Wouldn't that be great!?!?

    Still doing good here. Made some yummy steak, egg, and cheese sandwiches for dinner last night. Tonight, I'm making fixins for tacos. That'll last me a few days and is lunch ready. Not sure if I want to put it all in a casserole or just make the things separately - probly separate then I can make yummy salads.

    I made fajitas last night! They were SO good! Also, I haven't thought about getting fast food in three days! Last night I realized it hadn't even crossed my mind! I REJECT YOU!!! :):):)

    Great minds think alike :smile: I was going to make my own seasoning but don't have all the stuff. This will work fine this time. I love tacos, fajitas, burritos - whatever, I really need to make my own seasoning to just keep in the cupboard...someday.

    I haven't really thought about fast food much either. I did on Friday but not since. Awesome!!
  • You could always pack a cooler with healthy foods for your trip instead of stopping at places. It'll save you money and calories.
  • I always sign up for challeneges and never really give it my all.

    I really want to do this challenge, only thing stopping me is that I am going on a road trip for a week beginning the 5th-13th and fast-food seems to be unavoidable. So, with that said, I am making my pledge that before and after my trip, no fast food and during the week long trip, healthier fast food alternatives (grilled chicken sandwich with 1/2 the bun, or chicken salads with no dressing or lite dressing.)

    This is my promise to YOU and more importantly, to MYSELF!:happy:

    You could always pack a cooler with healthy foods for your trip instead of stopping at places. It'll save you money and caloires.
  • hellokatee
    hellokatee Posts: 211 Member
    I got invited to dinner for a friend's birthday at a really nice Japanese Steakhouse. WHAT DO I DO???? I can't just say "No, I can't go because I don't eat out." Should I go and get as little as possible without being rude? I don't want to go and get nothing at all! Maybe something tiny... I am quite worried about this!
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