cardio only??

I want to loose 30lbs by April for spring break. I hAve few dvds and a treadmill. Can I just do cardio 5 days a week if so how much? Also do you know of any good cardio dvds that won't getting boring but isn't expensive. I would love to get the t25 but cost to much right now. Ask how can in weight train at home when I barely have weights?


  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    Weights = strength
    Cardio = endurance
    Food intake = weight
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Weights = strength
    Cardio = endurance
    Food intake = weight


    Diet for weight control; exercise for fitness

    Your weight is predicated on consume less energy than you need to maintain weight and your body has to dip into energy reserves (fat stores) to make up for it. Exercise increases your body's energy (calorie) requirements and thus increases the amount you can eat while could also use it to make your deficit bigger but that's not at all necessary and can actually be counterproductive to both fat loss and fitness goals. Too large of a deficit results in burning more muscle rather than the fat you're wanting to get rid of. I'd also recommend working in some resistance training in there a few days per week...that will also help preserve what muscle you have so you'll look better when the fat is shed.
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member

    Diet = Loose/Maintain/Gain Fat and/or Muscle
    Cardio = Most time efficient way to burn calories, cardiovascular health and conditioning
    Heavy Lifting = Great way to burn calories, Strength and Muscle gain/maintenance

    Reading a book = Most time efficient way to not waste time. New Rules of Lifting for Women is a great option.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    What waffle said. Concentrate on the food first. Cardio will give you more calories to consume, either by eating them back or not.

    Strength will make you look better in a bikini even at a higher weight. You can get all sorts of bodyweight exercises off the internet and improvise. Go to a playground, swing from the monkey bars, do some pull-ups, do some plyo work on a picnic table bench, etc.
  • Binky_Muffin
    Binky_Muffin Posts: 191 Member
    Good old fashioned push-ups, planks and tricep dips have worked wonders for me. I got AMAZING results doing these exercises. I have weights, but for some reason, I dislike doing them. Using my own body weight seems to be much more challenging.
  • kaylajane11
    kaylajane11 Posts: 313 Member
    There are tons of body weight strength exercises you can do - squats, lunges, push ups, tricep dips, etc.

    You can also get a set of 5lb weights or a resistance band for under $20 that you can do countless strength exercises with.