Will need encouragement...

Hey all. I'm Andrew - 28 years old, 5'10 weigh in at 255 lbs. I downloaded myfitnesspal app a while ago, but never really started to use it until recently. I really really need to lose weight because I'm finding it more difficult to breathe, go upstairs, etc. I feel trapped inside my own body. So I've made it my goal to consistently watch my calorie intake. I was wondering if anyone had any tips that would be able to give me to get started? I've given up diet soda completely - which after the first few days isn't too bad anymore. My problem is fast food, it's fast and easy to buy - Also I don't have a whole lot of time to commit to cooking each and every night.

So any and all advice will be much appreciated. Thanks y'all! Good luck to all of you too.


  • TBarron784
    TBarron784 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi email me any time
  • PBWaffleCakes
    PBWaffleCakes Posts: 900 Member
    One thing I learned about giving up fast food when you don't have a lot of time is pre-making food for a week when you do have the time. Several recipes can be made in advance frozen and all you have to do is bake it when you get home. I pre-make lunches so when I get home from school I can just grab it. That way I don't buy fast food on my way home ^_^ Hope that helps!
  • I also have same passion with you!! :D
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    I am in a similar situation. I am a lazy eater, if it's quick I am all for it. I find that if I invest a little time on my shopping days to portion out food into individual servings I am more apt to eat properly opposed to eating junk or fast food it also helps to stop overeating. Give it a try. Also if you crave crunch I find that baby carrots and hummus satisfy a chip or salty craving. Hope this helps.

  • tinamariecleg
    tinamariecleg Posts: 99 Member
    I have to keep single serving packets of almonds around when I am starving and need a snack between meals.
  • it took me over a year but I lost 107 lbs. I have been gaining weight since October so I am getting back to basics. Start tracking everything and after a few months it will get easier. if you cheat on something just start over. You will not stick to it if you feel like you can no longer eat the things you like. The success comes in choosing better ways to stay healthy. The choice to want to do better Is the success. Good luck.
  • train_01
    train_01 Posts: 135 Member
    If you can handle it, I would suggest formulating several "go-to" fast food options for yourself (like a 6" Subway turkey) that fall into your calorie goals. That way if you find that you don't have time to eat once in awhile, you know what to order before you even get there. Every fast food place has something that is lower in calories, you just have to find it and will yourself to order it haha. Hope it helps!
  • brandi712
    brandi712 Posts: 407 Member
    If you can handle it, I would suggest formulating several "go-to" fast food options for yourself (like a 6" Subway turkey) that fall into your calorie goals. That way if you find that you don't have time to eat once in awhile, you know what to order before you even get there. Every fast food place has something that is lower in calories, you just have to find it and will yourself to order it haha. Hope it helps!

    This is great advice. Thanks!
  • arghbowl
    arghbowl Posts: 1,179 Member
    Cook meals for the week on the weekend. Weigh & package everything accordingly. Nuke your lunch or heat it in the oven for dinner, and boom. Problem solved.

    Also, don't think you *have* to give everything up. Just not true at all. Moderation is a beautiful (and delicious) thing.
  • stunningalmond
    stunningalmond Posts: 275 Member
    Hi Andrew! Good for you for committing to a healthier lifestyle! You've done well with kicking the diet soda!

    What types of food do you like to eat? I'll share what's worked for me. :)

    I've cut down on the amount of starch I eat. So bread, pasta, rice, potatoes... I cut those out and replace them with more protein and veggies/fruit. I'd have toast for breakfast before, now I have eggs. Instead of a granola bar for a snack, I'll have an apple (with peanut butter sometimes). Just start small. You don't want to get overwhelmed.

    Once you get in the habit of cooking, it becomes easier. Start with a few simple meals... google some - there are a ton of awesome recipes out there. Go get all the necessary groceries so you'll have everything you need for the week and won't have to run to the store all the time. Get lots of fruit and veggies that you like and don't buy as much fatty/processed foods.

    Also, drink lots of water.

  • selmaphilbrick
    selmaphilbrick Posts: 9 Member
    HIGH FIVE on kicking the soda habit! Next up, fast food...once you start learning how to eat healthier and prepare things ahead of time so that they are easier to grab, you will find out that is sooooooo much better than McDonalds....tastier and healthier. :) You can do it!!
  • aaronengineer
    aaronengineer Posts: 6 Member
    Andrew, I started off at 222 lbs and 6'1, so not too far off. If you count calories you are only about half way to the real issue, and that is what you are eating, in addition to how much. Blood sugar is such a critical thing to maintain and yet the conventional wisdom is we should be eating a lot of sugar (in the form of grains and starches, think bread, potatoes, etc.) Fast food isn't the healthiest way to go, but there are ways to make it work for you, like don't eat the fries. I watched the movie Fat Head and it changed the way I look at nutritional recommendations.
    I adapted a low-carb diet and it has worked for me so far. I'm down to 197 since the beginning of November, 2013. I eat an easy breakfast of eggs and bacon in the morning, a Shakeology shake with fruit for lunch, and a reasonable dinner of salad and some protein. I've eaten at Arby's and McD's, a fried chicken place here called Bojangles during this time. I ask them all to hold the bun.
    The Shakeology shake is easy to put together, fast, delicious and it keeps me feeling full from noon until about 6-7. If I think I'm feeling snacky, I grab a water to make sure I'm not really slightly dehydrated. (The body gives the same signal for dehydration as for hunger.) I have added in a 30 minute workout to my daily routine now as well and the weight continues to come off.
    If you would like, I'd be happy to share my health and fitness lessons learned and help you out as well.
  • Lianei
    Lianei Posts: 6 Member
    I can sympathise on the fast food front. What puts me off is when I have to enter it onto here as it helps me see just how bad it is. If you always have some food already prepared fast food loses a bit of its lure. What I usually do is fill in the next days good diary in advance like a plan and that keeps me from deviating. Good luck :)
  • One thing I learned about giving up fast food when you don't have a lot of time is pre-making food for a week when you do have the time. Several recipes can be made in advance frozen and all you have to do is bake it when you get home. I pre-make lunches so when I get home from school I can just grab it. That way I don't buy fast food on my way home ^_^ Hope that helps!

    This is what I have started doing -- plus it's been extra hard for me because my wife is 39 weeks pregnant. So, in preparing for baby (and since I'm the cook), every Saturday I will make stuff that can be frozen, and then just put into the oven (maybe with a little extra prep time) when it's time to eat. Now, these aren't the healthiest things considering that most of what my freezer meals consist of pasta dishes -- but I guarantee I know everything that's going in them.

    If you want any of the recipes (I really didn't create them myself but found them from a variety of different sources), I'd be more than happy to share -- just message me.

    Also, it's just as easy to stop at your local grocery store and pick up some fresh produce rather than a big mac -- just saying.
  • AWESOME! You guys are great. Thank you very much for the helpful tips - I really like the make your meals for the week (good one), and I have been keeping track of my calories per day - easier than I originally thought, and I'm less tempted to eat more when I see that I only have "x" amount of calories remaining and I refuse to waste them on a small fry - when I can have a huge bowl of salad (I use little dressing).

    Thanks y'all!!!