Let's try this again!!!

Hi, My name is Adrienne and I'm in my mid thirties. I'm a stay at home mom with two kids (they didn't exactly help my figure but I love them!).
Ok so last year for new years I gave up soda and sweets (except I gave myself the weekends off...easier to avoid temptation). I did this because my dad was getting married in June and I wanted to lose weight before the wedding. I was a bridesmaid. I did GREAT!!! But once the wedding was over I slowly went back to my usual routine and BAM I gained almost everything back!
I really want to do this and frankly, diet plans and gym memberships are expensive for a family of four with one income so I'm hoping this will help keep me on track.
Add me if you would like. I can use all the support I can get and I will be willing to give support in return.
Thanks & Good luck!