Hello! I am taking back my body!

Just a little about me: I was in my peak shape while I was in the US Navy, weighing about 135 and running 3-5 miles a day..depending on how frustrated I was. After discharge I suffered some traumatic events and was prescribed antidepressants. The weight just piled on. I used to be able to lose weight by exercising, but now, 3 years later and with the aid of paxil, IT WILL NOT BUDGE!!! I am in the process of changing medications and so hopefully I can reach my goal with the aid of diet and exercise.

If anybody knows a site where I can find cheap, easy recipes that are low calorie please share. I need to start eating healthier as my metabolism has changed. Also any tips for portion control would be appreciated. Thanks!

Any Navy folks out there? :D


  • Lemmon827
    Lemmon827 Posts: 27 Member
    Oh and just wanted to add that if anybody is looking for a workout buddy or fellow runner, bicyclist I am up for the challenge. So PM me if you are in the Little Rock AR area. Not looking for a hookup, just some1 serious about working out and getting in shape. I find that I am more motivated when somebody is working out with me.