Weight loss journey begins..again

Hi all, I've just began a new journey on the weight loss trail. This time I've gone for a meal replacement diet for quick
results. Day 3 and I'm already feeling fed up, day 1 and day 2, done very well, but today I want to cheat and eat and eat,Help!!!


  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Hi all, I've just began a new journey on the weight loss trail. This time I've gone for a meal replacement diet for quick
    results. Day 3 and I'm already feeling fed up, day 1 and day 2, done very well, but today I want to cheat and eat and eat,Help!!!

    welcome back.

    Here's what worked for me:

    *weigh/measure/log all the food you eat - every bite - every day
    *eat at a healthy deficit from your TDEE (if you don't know what that is - google TDEE calculators)
    *don't eliminate all the foods you like - learn moderation
    *find something you like to do and then do it consistently
    *have a ton of patience
    *stop starting over - just keep going! If you stumble, get back on track!

    Good Luck!
  • rrpickens
    rrpickens Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there! Im new here too. When it comes to a lifestyle change it is mind over matter. Changing your eating habits is a struggle especially the first few weeks. When start to feel hungry or get a craving I try to drink a bottle of water and eat an apple with a little peanut butter, it fills you up. And even if it may not be as delicious as that chocolate may be it is satisfying. What has been your biggest struggle so far? I tried the meal replacement thing too and honestly its not for me. I like food too much. instead im just on a weighed out meal plan, cutting out red meat, soda, energy drinks etc and trying to eat complex carbs.
  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    Welcome to the site. Don't give up now!!!! You're already 3 days closer to your goal than you were before!
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    ^^ Great advice above arleady!

    if you're detoxing some sugar your body will kick in the cravings, but it doesnt' "NEED" what you Think you need.

    Food is Nutrition! Remember that. When you want to reach fo for a cupcake. how is that Fueling your body? how is it helping your cells do their thing? not very well... it Really likes that apple though. :)

    you will slip up at times - that is what we are here for. Don't stop getting right back up!!!!!!!

    Feel free to add me if you'd like
  • wellygogs1
    wellygogs1 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I'm now seven days into it and have lost almost 11 pounds and an inch off my waist. I stuck with it even when I had a tough couple of days. I feel fantastic, full of energy and very motivated right now. Hope I can keep it going. Thanks for your encouragement