Tips for working out at Work



  • brandi712
    brandi712 Posts: 407 Member
    I sit behind a desk all day. I do leg extensions in my chair, tricep dips on my desk. I sometimes skip to the bathroom, yes, skip LOL
    This morning I did a few squats at the water cooler while filling up my bottle. I also shut my door, jogged in place and did jumping jacks while waiting for a report to run.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    As far as things you can do on the clock without arousing suspicion of your lack of something to do, take a longer route to get places in the office (break room, restroom, etc.). Get up and go to a co-worker's office/cubicle when you need to talk to them, rather than calling, emailing, IMing, etc. Every so often, get up from your chair and do a set of push-ups and body weight squats (or goblet squats if you have something of reasonable weight in your office). Otherwise, aside from walking on breaks and taking the stairs, I really don't think you should be trying to "work out" at work. Everyone understands taking a few laps around the parking lot at lunch, but when it goes further than that, it starts to look like you're trying to use work time to avoid working out on your own time. And "working out" in the car is definitely overkill. Draw a line. And draw it before "biceps curls at the intersection."
  • jim9097
    jim9097 Posts: 341 Member
    By the time it is all said and done; the ACA aka ObamaCare is going to require that all employers have a health and wellness program. The Dept of Health and Human Services has already put out the initial guidance. I read that 127 page document and it appears that you will be punished by higher rates if you do not participate. <--If you have health problems like being over weight, smoking, high cholesterol, etc. The only way to get out of the rate hike will be to join the Companies Health and Wellness program and make progress.

    Of course the other option will be for your employer to drop any coverage they provide; they pay the fine; you go get your own insurance through the exchange, then it does not apply to you.

    We have already implemented and are allotted 3 hours a week in conjunction with our lunch to workout. They put a fitness facility in our building. It's not very good but it is something.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If you have an office with a door, close it on breaks and lunch and do whatever you want - pushups, squats, resistance bands, any non-jumping exercise.

    If no door, you could always use your breaks to walk the stairs (if you have them). If you don't have BP problems, you might try isometrics at your desk. (these can raise BP while you do them so best to avoid if you have hypertension).

    I would skip the car workouts, other than maybe some butt clenches. Whatever you can do in the 6 min sitting in a car is probably not worth taking your focus off the road.
  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
    How about beating your computer into a pile of scrap metal and plastic?

    But if you don't have a computer? Can you do this to any of those annoying co-workers?:devil:
  • damien34x
    I am not trying to get out of working, i am just looking at my day

    Up at 5am not down again until 9pm with 15 minutes of free time as the largest block and trying to find a way to fit a workout in there.

    That is why i want to try to add something to work and/or commute.

    Thanks for the ideas, everyone
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    I've found the head-desk-slam to be a very effective at-work workout.

    Here's an illustrative gif.

  • speshell4
    In addition to all of the above. I use a standing desk. I do all kids of exercises while I wait on files to load or reports to run. My company would not invest in an expensive standing desk so I made my own. I bought a $14 coffee table from Wal-Mart, cut the legs to meet me height requirements. Wola! A standing desk. It sits right on top of my regular desk. The coffee table is large enough to hold my lap top with docking station, my monitor, and a mouse. The great thing is, if I just NEED to sit. I just undock my lap top and sit. I LOVE IT!! I found it made a HUGE difference.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    my cube mates were doing stretch breaks.
    I took the opportunity to work on convict conditioning.

    basically body strength stuff.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    So aside from taking a walk on my lunch break. Does anyone have any tips for working out at work?

    Another question:
    I know it is dangerous to do anything other than drive while driving a car, but what about working out at a stop light. I have 12 on my commute if i hit half of them that is like 6 minutes of sitting there. So any car/while sitting idle work out ideas?

    I'm all for keeping active while at's not good for your health to sit on your butt for long periods of time. I take frequent walks around the office, walk on my lunch, squats, jumping jacks in the bathroom...all sorts of things. Keep the blood pumping......BUT - this is in no way a substitute for a proper work out. Work out before or after work or on your lunch hour if you have to!!!!

    Exercises for while your in the car? Why? If it's a long drive stop and stretch your legs. If it's not a long drive don't worry about it!
  • tfleischer
    tfleischer Posts: 199 Member
    One question?
    When do you people frickin work?
    Get back to work!
  • heatbreakerr
    One question?
    When do you people frickin work?
    Get back to work!

    Dear Boss,

    Employee health is more important than working...

    Wanna know why?

    It's simple...

    Because if your employees are not healthy - they will be less productive
    When they are less productive.. you will lose money
    When you lose money.. you will get a headache
    When you get a headache... you will make bad financial decisions..
    When you make bad financial decisions.. the company stock will decline..
    When the stock declines.. the stock holders will formulate an angry mob...
    When the stock holders formulate the angry mob.. you try to hide under your desk..

    So if you don't wanna hide under your desk, in hopes that the angry mob doesn't storm your office -care about your employee's health... K?

    Best Wishes!
    Your Employee

    P.S: Lol
  • hittingitonemoretime
    hittingitonemoretime Posts: 7,615 Member
    hahaha @studly

    I have a desk job, I also have an hour commute to work. I am forunate enough to have a gym in the same building where I work. So I weight train in the mornings and get ready for work, and then at lunch, I go back and do my cardio, freshen up. There are some girls I work with who will find an open office at lunch and do yoga, or put an exercise dvd. Just to do something.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Not "working out" but getting a little more activity...if you have a sedentary desk job, try making things a little harder on yourself.

    Instead of thinking like "oh I need to take that report to Pam's office but I'll wait until I deliver these checks to Joe", make many trips every day all around your office. If someone needs to be shown to another area of the building, be that person who will take them (if your schedule allows).

    There are many little opportunities in most office jobs I've held, to get slightly more activity. At my current job I have reason to move around and lift boxes a few times a day and I welcome that activity, since much of my day is spent sitting at a desk typing.

    I walk to and from the kitchen on the opposite side of the building to fill and refill my large water container. Purposely keep some office supplies in the supply room instead of stocking my desk. Stuff like that. Granted, I'm fortunate to have ample down time and have been in positions that did not allow for such things!

    I know it doesn't sound like much but it does add up as others have said.
  • gkauf744
    gkauf744 Posts: 128 Member
    Yeah i take the two flights of stairs, can't park any farther and still be in the lot. I don't know how to do a Kegel or what that is really. But i can work with some of the other ideas.


    Guys can't do kegels.
  • davadoto
    davadoto Posts: 105 Member
    I had the same question cause I have the same hectic schedule -that said, let me say of the bat that I do complete workouts, on relatively less busy days and week-ends- so I looked it up on the Web, and here is my routine.

    It doesn't take me a full hour to actually eat lunch, so I use the extra time to do more intensive workouts: lunges, wall push ups, quick run. I do more "discreet " exercise behind my desk while I sort my mail or am standing by the copy machine or talking on the phone with a handset: some stretching, clenching, even cardio. Here are the tips that I have found more useful

    - stretching/ warm ups/cool down : . ( 10 min) Will save you time before you start your work out or after.
    - Low to high intensity aerobics, including cool down: (10 min)

    I use a stop watch on my cell so I can keep track of the time I am actually working out. I don't include all my "extra movements/activities" like walking to another office, parking further, into my exercise log, just to be sure I'm not over estimating the calories I burn.

    These exercises may seem easy- some I thought were a joke before trying them out :noway: - but you get a decent workout if you do them right (I have my sore legs to testify to that!!! ). There are plenty more sites with tips like these on the web + all the good advice the others have already posted. With a sedentary job, every minute you can squeeze in counts! Good luck!