Never thought I would say this....

I am a little over two months into regular exercise and better eating habits. I have a workout partner who I meet 3-5 times a week for a mix of cardio and weights.
Last week, my brother brings a cold when he comes to visit.
This week, I have been hurting, coughing and can't sleep, etc. etc.
I have not been to workout since MONDAY. It's Thursday.
I miss the gym.

There, said it. Four words that I thought would never come out of my mouth!


  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Sorry to hear you're not feeling well, but thank you! It really bothers me when the guy sitting next to me is coughing out a lung. Get well soon!
  • Missklara
    Missklara Posts: 282 Member
    I miss it too :(
    I've been on group cycling on monday and i have injured myself, plus i'm sore like never! Aaargh!
  • LouSmorals
    LouSmorals Posts: 93 Member
    It's OK, you can miss the gym. I feel like cr@p when I miss more than 3 days.
  • CrusherKun
    CrusherKun Posts: 353 Member
    That is AWESOME!

    I am not into the full gym routine seeing as how this is my first day at a gym....but I did miss my walks outside something fierce and it was nice to get a workout in indoors that didn't involve me trying to replicate some guy on a DVD and his cronies that were way to accustomed to doing the workout and me just trying to hang on while doing the less intense modified version!!!

    Just got to make myself get up at 5am the next month or so to create the habit of doing it and I will be set!
    RUNNING_AMOK_1958 Posts: 268 Member
    now that's PROGRESS!
  • gngracie
    gngracie Posts: 40 Member
    Haha, I feel your pain. I only worked out once last week due to being sick and it has felt like pure heaven getting back to the gym this week! I get completely out of sorts when I miss too many workouts!