Being a Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian

So I've become a Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian (or Ovo-Lacto) and I'm loving the change. It makes me feel lighter and I know I'm getting healthier by the minute. do any of you guys recommend organic foods? I really want to try it but I want to know your experience and what it does for you.
Thanks for reading,


  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    organic is good.
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    Do you eat cheese? Cheese is made with rennet, which comes from the slaughter of newborn calves and lambs. Not sure vegetarians who eat cheese know that.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    Also, I'd try to find a chicken farmer that has pastured chickens.
  • fxg20
    fxg20 Posts: 61 Member
    I personally don't put much emphasis on eating organic because I don't think there are any real health benefits and they tend to be more expensive products. Maybe environmental benefits but I don't know if that holds if organic farms scale up to feed as many people as industrial farms do. Some people think organic tastes better though. It's up to you.

    Here is a list of rennet free cheese sources, but I mostly don't bother to avoid it because it just becomes a major hassle when eating out. If I was that dedicated I would be vegan.
  • Sharbear73
    Sharbear73 Posts: 96 Member
    Good for you! I'm eating a 80% Plant Based Diet and I already feel so much better also. Would love some new friends who feel the same! :)
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I personally don't put much emphasis on eating organic because I don't think there are any real health benefits and they tend to be more expensive products. Maybe environmental benefits but I don't know if that holds if organic farms scale up to feed as many people as industrial farms do. Some people think organic tastes better though. It's up to you.

    Here is a list of rennet free cheese sources, but I mostly don't bother to avoid it because it just becomes a major hassle when eating out. If I was that dedicated I would be vegan.

    The most obvious health benefit comes from not being exposed to the herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides that are used in the growing of conventional produce. Organic produce has also been shown to have higher vitamin and mineral contents.
  • MzFyreKitty

    Here is a list of rennet free cheese sources, but I mostly don't bother to avoid it because it just becomes a major hassle when eating out. If I was that dedicated I would be vegan.

    My husband and I didn't eat cheese at restaurants due to this and then my lactose intolerance became so horrific that I only eat soy "cheeses". At this point, we try to only eat at vegetarian/vegan restaurants when we go out alone but when going out with omnivores, we don't order things that could be made with animal products like rennet. Though we were all eating at Red Robin and my husband was saying what do they do to make the "Boca Burger" taste so much better than at home when we cook it? And I said "They probably cook it in the ("real meat") hamburger grease":( Hard to know 100% what you are putting your your mouth at those type restaurant lol

    I only eat eggs occasionally now.

    For the OP: We try to eat organic (and natural from a guy where we live that grows naturally) when we can, I don't know if it makes us feel any better tho'...