Starting exercise?



  • Katus130
    Katus130 Posts: 50 Member
    Good for you for taking this step. I think what people have written so far is great. I absolutely agree that you should start off with something you enjoy. Swimming is a wonderful low impact exercise. Also maybe look into water aerobics. There's sometimes a sort of stigma (like that it's intended for elderly folks) associated with water aerobics (at least where I am) but I'm a fairly fit 20-something and I love it. It's sort of funny since I really don't enjoy swimming laps all that much. Because I dislike going to the gym so much, I try and get all my cardio in outside (running, walking, ect) and only go to the gym when the weather is really rough (My membership is included in my university fees so I feel like I have to use it at some point). Something else you may enjoy is hiking. It's one of the few ways I can get my husband off his bottom and away from the computer. We try to hit a different trail or park each time we go.

    For me, I won't really exercise unless it's fun. Last year I took up figure skating and I'm having a blast. Try new things! Maybe Zumba or another dance class. As others have said, there are a bazillion videos on-line that you can get for free. Youtube has a ton. If you also have a subscription to something like Hulu or Amazon prime there are some really great one on there. I enjoy the Jillian Michaels videos (30 day shred, six week six pack, ect) and the Ballet Beautiful ones.

    It may also be worthwhile to invest in some weights and resistance bands to have at home. I usually workout while I'm watching T.V.
  • bease418
    bease418 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi and Welcome - When I started here last year I was like you. I didnt even dreaming of exercising. I started with comminting to 20 mins a day. Period end of story you are not getting more out of me. Now I want to walk and even up to 5 miles and some light jogging. You can do it.