Any supplements to help with knee joint pain?

I am having lots of pain in my knees. I know most of it is because I am out of shape. I played softball in college and I was diagnosed then with tendonitis in both knees, so I know that is some of it too.
I do Zumba a few times a week and walk. I know the jumping in Zumba is aggravating it. Has anyone had any success with supplements they have taken for joint pain, and if so, could you recommend them? Zumba is the only cardio activity that I actually enjoy doing so I don't want to have to give it up.
Thanks in advance.


  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    foods for anti inflammatory lots of greens, veg and fruits.. also turmeric, ginger, cinaamon all warming spices good for inflammation.. celery is good as well. acv.
  • fit4mee
    fit4mee Posts: 1 Member
    Osteo-Bi Flex from CVS has helped tremendously! (I've tried many, too.)
  • FattyFeast
    Supplements cannot solve knee pain alone. Just to say that!

    I did find (not sure if it's just psychological though) that taking extra Vitamin D helped reduce the pain in my knees a little. But to be honest the only real cure was a load of ibuprofen!

    As you exercise more I'm sure they'll hurt less, but I would also recommend going to a physiotherapist. I've had painful knees for 3 years now, which have never really let up, and it's not until I went to the physio that I really found any solution beyond painkillers. When they start poking and prodding you around you find out all sorts of muscle weaknesses and imbalances you never knew you had, and sorting them out with a few exercises every night is remarkably effective. Honestly the best thing I ever did was see the physio!

    Rather than spending a few years in discomfort like I did, there's no harm in getting yourself checked out now. If you're in the UK you can actually see an NHS physio for free.
  • mjudd1990
    mjudd1990 Posts: 219 Member
    Ditto on osteo bi flex. Any glucosamine + chondroitin supplement is gonna help you out. Also given your history of tendinitis there is a good chance some of your knee pain could be stemming from tight/weak muscles. Tight and weak hamstrings and lower back can often manifest as anterior knee pain so if that's the case be sure to start stretching regularly and incorporate some strengthening exercisizes like hamstring curls and Romanian deadlifts. Tight IT bands can also cause a lot of knee pain so get ahold of a foam roller and start rolling your IT band especially if your pain is on the lateral aspect of your knee.
  • AmykinsCatfood
    AmykinsCatfood Posts: 599 Member
    Glucosamine & chondroitin, Omega 3&6 and Vitamin D to help calcium absorption.

    Speaking from experience, these three combined helped me tons.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    It depends on what the problem is, but Celadrin is absolutely amazing for various joint problems. The study results were what made me try it, they were so overwhelmingly good. It helps my knee pain but does nothing for my back (which is more neuropathic pain anyway).
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    You can resolve joint problems completely with diet. Look into it. Supplements do not adequately replace food.

    Lifelong chronic joint pain (and cartilage damage) is just one of many health problems that I have eliminated just by changing WHAT I eat.

    Edit: physio didn't help me, nor did medication or supplements. I was having severe joint problems for as long as I can remember (age 5 and on) and the older that I got the more damage occured and the more I was told it was genetics or due to my obesity (I was not obese as a child!). Most members of my family live all their lives with joint pain and develop a variety of types of arthritis, and they feel helpless because it's "genetic". Wrong. I've proven that there is a better way. Not drugs, not treatments (well except for exercise etc), not hopelessness; it's the FOOD.
  • FattyFeast
    You can resolve joint problems completely with diet. Look into it. Supplements do not adequately replace food.

    Lifelong chronic joint pain (and cartilage damage) is just one of many health problems that I have eliminated just by changing WHAT I eat.

    Edit: physio didn't help me, nor did medication or supplements. I was having severe joint problems for as long as I can remember (age 5 and on) and the older that I got the more damage occured and the more I was told it was genetics or due to my obesity (I was not obese as a child!). Most members of my family live all their lives with joint pain and develop a variety of types of arthritis, and they feel helpless because it's "genetic". Wrong. I've proven that there is a better way. Not drugs, not treatments (well except for exercise etc), not hopelessness; it's the FOOD.

    True, you do have to be doing something physically abnormal/unbalanced for physio to help and be effective. It can't solve structural or degenerative issues. But I think for people (like me) who weren't especially fit before suddenly starting a fairly limited range of exercises, it's fairly common to be out of whack. I did nothing but cycle and run and my lateral quads show it but my medial quads have never been used for anything and you can't even see/feel them. Turns out most of my knee pain was because every time my quads tensed, it was dragging my kneecap diagonally to the lateral side instead of straight.

    So I guess it's horses for courses, as always! :P Physio only solved all my problems because I had all this imbalance stuff in the first place. However to anybody in my position, I definitely recommend it.
  • djacksonunlv
    djacksonunlv Posts: 6 Member
    +1 for Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM. Within a week, I noticed my joint issues were gone. They have a generic at Wal-mart, right next to the Osteo Bi-Flex. Just make sure to grab one with MSM. There will be a few options.
  • lmkaks
    lmkaks Posts: 119 Member
    Thank you everyone, this is very helpful.

    I do know the pain will lessen as I get stronger and healthier. I also know there will likely always be some pain due to the tendonitis.

    It is kind of a double-edged sword: I want to work out, but it hurts my knees, however, to make my knees feel better, I have to work out. I just need something to help me while getting to a fitness level that will make me more comfortable.

    I think you all for the advice.
  • carlosc130
    +2 for Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM. I used to get knee pain all the time and it drove me crazy. After speaking with some friends, one told me about the Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM AND Turmeric supplement he used. He said it was a good one because it also has turmeric in it.

    Feel free to check it out at:

    I hope that helps!
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Omega3 capsules.