Recovering after a hard workout

I'm finding my body is having a tough time recovering after a tough workout. I don't have any muscle soreness or anything but just overall body/muscle fatigue. Sometimes more than 24 hours later. I'm getting enough sleep (for me anyways). I think my nutrition is pretty good. I was just wondering if anyone takes supplements or eats a certain meal before/after workouts. Or is this something that I will need to push through and as my body gets used to the increased intensity?

To give an idea of my weekly exercise

2-3 days a week I will do a rotation of 3 upper/lower body weight machines with 15 minutes cardio. I do this three times. So 9 machines with 45 minutes cardio. 1-2 days a week will be straight cardio. intense for 50 minutes. And 1 day a week I play volleyball for about an hour and a half.


  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    If this amount of exercise is fairly new to you, or if some of those activities are new, you can expect some soreness for the first couple of weeks as your body adjusts to the new demands. It should go away. Fatigue is a different thing though. To combat/avoid that, especially with that amount of activity, it's going to be really important to a) eat enough, with sufficient carbs to fuel the workouts (if your caloric deficit is too aggressive you're essentially denying your body fuel) b) get enough sleep. I'd also give yourself at least one day off every week for recovery purposes.