Ladies, is Tom sabbotaging your diet?



  • NatalieG525
    NatalieG525 Posts: 65 Member
    Not everyone is regular...
  • george29223
    george29223 Posts: 556 Member
    why do they call it tom??? because mad cow has already been taken..... lolllll jk
  • NatalieG525
    NatalieG525 Posts: 65 Member
    Wow, did you seriously just suggest that?! Harsh...
  • LianaG1115
    LianaG1115 Posts: 453 Member
    B*tch just gave me 3 more pounds, bloating, cramping, a half inch around the waist...What men don't go through that we do and it seriously sucks!! I don't know how to fight the cravings either, I'm gonna finish scrolling through the comments in hopes that people have some helpful solutions...I'll be back LOL
  • LVCeltGirl
    I gain anywhere from 2 to 5 lbs on the day I start and that doesn't go away until a day after it's ended (starts going down a little as I get closer to end date). Cravings, I try to handle those like I handle them on any other day, drink some water, check myself with the question "Am I still craving", drink some more water and if still craving, I keep small amounts of chocolate or salted in shell pistachios on hand. It doesn't change with BCP for me except that I have a better idea of when I'm going to start and stop (ultra regulated thanks to BCP). I am seriously considering printing out one of the "if you're craving this, your body really needs that" charts. I know that for Chocolate, it's due to lower magnesium in your system but that's all I remember of it. Also, if I replace my iron naturally (think spinach and lean red meat), then the cravings aren't as bad.
  • amoment
    amoment Posts: 40 Member
    Many years ago I went to see a menstrual specialist at my local hospital because I was so disturbed by my mentrual symptoms (my family doctor was concerned that I had PMDD). I used to spend the last couple days before my period crying uncontrollably and thinking everyone in my life hated me.

    This is the advice that he gave me:

    (a) lots of protein - I avoid processed carbs aside from a bit of really good chocolate in the evening. If I eat a lot of carbs then my symptoms get worse.
    (b) high impact exercise - it might be the thing you're least wanting to do but it's so important for reducing symptoms. When I do boot camp/run/aerobics then a lot of the physical symptoms don't happen
    (c) drinking a lot of fluid to keep the water retention at bay (I magically gain 5-10(!!) pounds
    (d) keeping note of my cycle on my calendar (there's an app for that). I circle the preceding 3-4 days in red on my calendar as a warning to not schedule major projects/presentations/major life or relationship decisions on those days. I also make sure that I plan a treat for myself for that time (a manicure, a coffee date with friends, hot tub) etc.

    I will say that after having a child my cycle evened out and my symptoms reduced significantly.
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    Who's Tom? He sounds like a douche.

    All ladies of appropriate age with functioning lady organs menstruate. This is in no way unique and has been going on as long as there have been lady mammals. So please, for the love of kittens, would so many women stop acting like their menstrual cycle is special and different. Carry on with your life like women for millennia have been doing.

    I take it you haven't had to spend days with the trots/squits and feeling as if your abdomen is being torn apart no matter how many painkillers you take?

    Or having to stop whatever you are doing because the pain is actually making you feel winded?

    It isn't special or different but for some people it is incredibly painful. And that is from someone with numerous tattoos so not adverse to a little pain.
  • amka_2015
    amka_2015 Posts: 16 Member
    Ugghhh ... I am so different during my TOM. I know it's coming when any little thing gets me upset/emotional. Then my emotional self just wants to eat (i'm an emotional eater). I haven't been going at this whole diet thing for long but my plan for when it does come is to try to stick to only the healthy stuff in the house and if that doesn't work, i'm going to sleep and I don't want to be bothered :mad: . Maybe i'll watch a movie with a bunch of hot skinny women. That'll make me feel bad about eating too much hahah :laugh:
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    TOM sucks that for sure, but I have noticed that since I have started working out quite a bit, I really don't have as many cravings and my cramps aren't as bad.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    No because I'm an intelligent human being who controls my own actions. If I have a craving, I satiate it without going absolutely bonkers. A few pieces of dark chocolates for a sweet craving, airpopped popcorn for a salt craving.