Any success stories without weighing food



  • odddrums
    odddrums Posts: 342 Member
    I have NEVER weighed my food, lost 30 pounds over 6 months last year. I stopped tracking for 2 months after that and gained 10 back, then lost it again over 3 months [again, never weighing my food] then gained it back because I basically stopped exercising and decided to up my calories to maintenance.

    I eyeball everything, looking at how much of the container I'm eating and do that. I'll do ingredients every now and then, but usually I just take some random thing that seems like the same amount of calories or more.

    What works for me: I'll usually overestimate the calories I'm eating, but I ALWAYS eat at least a bit and drink water when I'm hungry. I try to drink water all the time.

    I know it's not as accurate as weighing, and I'd probably reach my fitness goals faster if I put the extra time in, but I want to live without needing to weigh my food and eventually without having to count calories.
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    I don't weigh. If it's something that can be measured with near accuracy in a measuring cup or spoons, I'll do that. A lot of things, I'll say "1/2 container". But I don't weigh and I don't even get too concerned with other measurements.

    In my opinion---
    - if .5 of an ounce is going to prevent me from losing weight, there's something else going on.
    -my exercise calories aren't 100% accurate, so why do my food calories have to be so precise?
    -I have about 500 calorie deficit in each day, and I know for sure my inaccuracies aren't adding up to 500 calories
    -I won't be spending the rest of my life doing this, so I have to learn how to 'eyeball' my food anyway.

    Sure, this might very well be why my weight-loss is slower than it really 'should' be. But I am losing and I'm happy and relaxed.
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    weighing is merely more exact and after you have done it for a while you'll be able to eyeball with some accuracy. Generally it is guys, especially very large guys, that seem to have the most success without weighing, probably because they have a larger margin of error. Ultimately we are all just dealing with estimates, it's just people who weigh have more accurate estimates.

    One of the problems with not weighing is that in about 3-4 weeks time you will see an increase in posts of 'I am doing everything right, eating 1200 cals a day, exercising, nothing works, having lost any weight since New Years' and aside from the odd medical condition it will ALWAYS come down to user error. It's either they underestimate what calories they take in or overestimate what they burn or a combination of both
  • EHisCDN
    EHisCDN Posts: 480 Member
    I weigh most things (particularly more calorie dense things like cheese, meat,nuts etc). I generally have a pretty good idea of how much I'm eating since I've been weighing things for awhile now. I'm not obsessive though. I don't weigh out everything, like if I'm using a can of tomatoes I might just say I used half a can or something (it's probably only a like 5-10 calorie difference anyway). And I use portions on the package. For instance if one slice of bread is a portion I'll just go by one slice of bread. I realize sometimes that bread might weigh +/- x grams over the recommended serving but I feel like it all balances out in the end.

    I don't feel like I'm developing a compulsion or anything; I just like being accurate. I also I found out that in general I was overestimating my calories so I get to eat more as a result :). Plus I find it kind of fun to guess how much something will weigh and see how close I am. Does anyone else do that? Maybe I'm just odd ;P
  • happieharpie
    happieharpie Posts: 229 Member
    I don't weigh, but there are a few things, like berries that I've measured in the past by cup. Now I just take a bowl with the same amount in it every time I eat berries.

    I eat enough onions, peppers, and leafy greens to fill a 6" frying pan and add a whole egg and about a third of a carton of egg whites to make my dinner omelets.

    When I'm out, I guesstimate by eye.

    I measure nuts with a half cup measure.
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    I never weigh my food.

    I was planning on getting a food scale but never got around to it. I did however measure my portions at first... by cups, tbs, deck of cards, etc. I did that for a few months got pretty use to what a portion looked like that now I just eyeball it. Every now and then I'll still pull out the measuring cups/spoons if unsure.

    So far so good.

  • JourneyingJessica
    JourneyingJessica Posts: 261 Member
    I weigh most things (particularly more calorie dense things like cheese, meat,nuts etc). I generally have a pretty good idea of how much I'm eating since I've been weighing things for awhile now. I'm not obsessive though. I don't weigh out everything, like if I'm using a can of tomatoes I might just say I used half a can or something (it's probably only a like 5-10 calorie difference anyway). And I use portions on the package. For instance if one slice of bread is a portion I'll just go by one slice of bread. I realize sometimes that bread might weigh +/- x grams over the recommended serving but I feel like it all balances out in the end.

    I don't feel like I'm developing a compulsion or anything; I just like being accurate. I also I found out that in general I was overestimating my calories so I get to eat more as a result :). Plus I find it kind of fun to guess how much something will weigh and see how close I am. Does anyone else do that? Maybe I'm just odd ;P

    ^ this.

    I weigh things like meat, cheese, nuts it takes like 30 seconds - and i know

    Vegetables i estimate i didn't get heavy bc of spinach. Lol.

    I measure with measuring cups & spoons if it makes sense. Like my morning cereal & milk. Yogurt dressings etc.

    Can You can estimate ~ maybe. Might be interesting to try weighing just to see how close you are.
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    I lost over 50 pounds once before (got pregnant and gained it all back plus some extra) without weighing or measuring a single thing. I've lost 23 pounds again...still without weighing or measuring a single thing. It is absolutely not a necessity, but it is a necessity to not lie to yourself about how much you're putting on your plate.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    I do not and never did weigh my food. Never had a heart rate monitor either. All my secrets are out now.

    ^ Same here....but I am thinking about getting a HRM. I do have a FitBit though.
  • IndiaGuerita1983
    IndiaGuerita1983 Posts: 98 Member
    I have weighed and measured everything for a year and I've lost about 80 pounds. My sister started the same journey with me and doesn't weigh or measure anything...she's lost 30 pounds.

    It's not obsessive for's about accuracy. Like one of the previous posters said: If you're measuring and weighing you'll find out that you're overeating and under-eating.

    To each his own. My sister doesn't weigh because the rigidity drives her insane and she's more apt to give up. If I don't weigh I feel like there's no way I could really know how many calories I'm really eating and I want to give up and cram a bunch of junk in my mouth.

    Good luck with whichever method you choose.

  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    I'm about 5-7 pounds from my goal. I started in the 180s last year and have lost 50+ pounds, a little more than my ticker shows. I don't weigh anything, but do use a measuring cup. I don't own any measuring spoons and make a best guess there. I have the same approach to exercise. I don't own a HRM, fitbit, or any other equipment, am not sure how fast I walk, etc., so I don't eat my exercise calories back unless I'm hungry -- because I figure those numbers are inaccurate anyway (but if I am hungry I eat all I want). This works for me. I'm a 5'3" woman who went from being in the 180s to 135 in about 8 months.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    For a long time I didn't weigh, and lost. But I believe I was overestimating the food I had, and therefore eating very low calories. So it can go both ways. And my way isn't really good.
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    I did not use a food scale while I was losing weight, but I did measure things out. When a package said 11 chips equal one serving I counted out 11 chips. I used measuring spoons/cups and such. So I did still measure out portion sizes, but I wasn't super exact (especially with things like veggies).
  • Leebett
    Leebett Posts: 238 Member
    I've lost 60 with no weighing. I also try to stay approximately 150 calories under my mfp allotment because I assume I've under estimated somewhere!
  • drepsallday
    I'm so glad I came across this. It seems like buying a food scale is a good idea!
  • ksuh999
    ksuh999 Posts: 543 Member
    Most veggies don't need to be weighed. You can try at first, but 100 grams of brocolli ends up a being a lot of food for very few calories. I don't bother anymore other than for potatoes, peas and corn.

    Fruit is remarkably consistent. Almost all mandarin oranges, for instance, tend to be around 100 grams. Large ones are around 125 grams.

    Sliced store brought bread is always consistent. Probably because baking is a science.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I think it really depends on the person.

    I know that I like to sneak food. A little extra bite here and there can really add up. I weigh EVERYTHING (even my protein powder) because I know if I don't, I'll grab an extra spoonful or two out of the container and eat my deficit away.

    Other people aren't like that, and do fine without a scale. You can always try without...if you find yourself stalling or losing slower than expected, then it is probably time for a scale.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I didn't see success until I started weighing and measuring. However, I learned what these weighed and measured portions look like and can now eyeball it. It's a good learning experience. I recommend weighing and measuring until you're comfortable with knowing what a portion looks and feels like. :)

    ^^ this
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I have been reading A LOT of posts on MFP lately and was wondering if there are any success stories of members who didn't weigh their food. I realize there are many who do and swear by it, but for me it just seems a little obsessive. I suppose if it seems that it is absolutely necessary then I could start but.......

    I have quite a bit of weight to lose (shooting for about 75 pounds but probably should lose 100) and have heard that the weighing of food is good if you have a smaller amount to lose or you have hit a plateau. I have lost approximately 17 pounds since middle of October but I believe most of this is because I have cut out soda and tried to be more cognizant of what I am eating. I am also trying to walk at least 45 minutes a day, but most of the time getting at least 60 minutes. I tend to eat the same things daily, like salad (cheese, lettuce, tomatoes), eggs, bacon, English muffin, sometimes grilled chicken breast, hamburger, steak, sometimes baked potatoes (which I love). I also eat lean cuisine meals at work for dinner. I am a very picky eater as far as taste and have a limited "pantry" as which to pick from or I will just give up. I keep a paper food journal but have been keeping my calories between 1300-1500 daily for the most part (uhhh...except for Christmas). I originally was trying to keep it below 1200 but realized after reading numerous posts that this is too low.

    Thanks for any responses.

    Just like this calculator is a tool to help you realize what you're eating, so is weighing. Weighing my food is not a lifetime type of thing and I don't go around carrying a scale everywhere...i used it to learn what a portion of whatever is and now I can pretty much just visualize serving sizes or use my hands, etc...but early on, I had no idea what a 4oz piece of chicken looked I was just throwing a chicken breast on the grill and logging it...turns out the average chicken breast is closer to 8 oz. I would also add that the leaner you get and closer to your goal you are, the less room for error you have so getting your portions right is pretty important.

    I found all kinds of issues in my estimations early on by using an easy tool to help me out until I could take the training wheels off.
  • latewinterwolf
    i dont measure food.
    1 - because i cant be bothered
    2 - i dont have food scales
    3- i bake by eye so its all good

    so far ive lost 2 pounds since the1st the amount im eating is a hell of a lot less than it was and ive almost completely cut out snacks unless they are fruit or veg. i do allow myself 1 chocolate bar a day(cheap mini bars from lidl)
    I also dont have a fitbit or anything to count calories because im not made of money i just takean average from the average person and mabey lower it a tiny bit lol.
    I feel great have more energy, havnt had a headache yet which is unusual because i used to get them a lot lol
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