The Sodium Factor

The SODIUM Factor: Many of you probably have experienced the nastiness sodium can take on your body, measurements, and psyche. This week I was flying after a surprise weigh-in Fri, and was verified at my official weigh-in Sat morning. Eating bigger, a home baked ham, and eating on the go gave me 4 nasty sodium days. I was feeling skinny, but my heart and spirit dropped on Tuesday when the scale said I gained 2.5lbs. This was the biggest swing up in scale I have seen in a long time. I thought maybe Sat was an artificially low weight, but the tape measurement showed I was slimming. I felt worse Weds morning when my blood pressure was not where I want it. I talked to my friend/trainer who is a nurse and he just assured me to drink, drink, and drink water. So even though the water started going right through me, I was timid for my check-in weight today. I was 3lbs lighter than 2 days ago even with the extra hydration. Today my blood pressure was back where I expected it :) The nastiness of sodium not only played a trick with the scale and body, but my mind too :P