Meal ideas?????

RissaE Posts: 26 Member
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
Hello there ladies and gents!
I've been on this weight loss journey for all of my adult and honestly most of my teen life as well. I thoroughly enjoy exercises and feel I an active person, where my difficulty lies is meal time. I have a very hard time shopping and planning meals that are quick, easy and most of all healthy. As a teacher, I am unable to bring any nut products into the school, so all of the protein based nut snacks are not an option for me. Basically I'm giving a shout out for any and all meal ideas that might help me once and for all make a success of this weight albatross. I want to eat clean and healthy... I just don't know where to begin. Thanks for listening!


  • PJRiner
    PJRiner Posts: 58
  • kgalea
    kgalea Posts: 156 Member
    cottage cheese, fruit, yogurt, turkey roll up sandwiches (made on flat-out tortillas), string cheese, salads...
  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    Cooking Light has been a *wealth* of great and yummy recipes for hubby & I. In season, good, yummy, fresh and healthy. Super good. And usually well within our calorie recommendations!

    Do be careful when you check it out though, because sometimes you'll come across meals that are higher in calories. But you can learn (with progress) how to replace ingredients to reduce calories and have great, full flavor.

    Good luck!!
  • CLuton
    CLuton Posts: 5 Member
    I can identify with your problem. It is a long journey and takes some imagination. I find that a Lean Cuisine entree for lunch is great and I add a piece of fruit, or a veggie. I assume that at school you have access to a microwave. Another solution would be to make large meals on the weekend and make your own frozen meals. I buy 2.5 or 3 lbs bags of boneless, skinless chicken breasts and bake them all at one time. I will use different seasonings, such as lemon pepper, rosemary, paprika, Lawry's season salt, or a grilling spice. I bake at 350 for about 40-45mins. When cooled, cut into 3 or 4 oz pieces. Then you can freeze a few and start using the others. Boil or bake up a couple potatoes and cut up into 1/2 or 1 cup servings (depending on the number of calories you want to use) and use some butter spray. I also have used Heinz fat free chicken gravy for only 25 cal for 1/4 cup and it's great. All you then need is a fruit or another veggie. I do not recommend freezing the left over potatoes, just use up in next couple days. I hope this has been some help to you. Good luck!!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    one word = crockpot :) You can cook your meals and have left overs, or cook meals over the weekend and have something for the week. That's what a number of folks on here to, cook up several various meals on the weekend and then swap them out throughout the week (poppin them in the freezer). Then just take your meal and warm it up at work. :)

    No nuts of anykind? Or merely peanuts?
  • i made pacific 4oz salmon, 1/2 cup rice and 1/2 cup beans last night - 28 protien and 38 carbs - 360 cal.s =- } - i took a pckg of lawry's taco mix used it as a rub for the salmon and put it in the rice (1 cup white with a little wild rice and brown rice added for texture and cuz they're good for ya) - i put it in the water to make the rice and tasted it and add and taste and so on til it tasted good - about 11/2 tps of mix and i added a tomato chopped in small peices - that really wasn't neccessary but it's good to add vegis when you can - when all was said and done it was awesome and didn't even need any kind of sauce although i'm sure some would like some salsa to add flavor and vegis - anyway i was thinking you could make two or more servings and have the same for lunch just microwave or freeze to have another day later for lunch or dinner - i obviously have leftover beens and rice so that's luch with a slice of cheese melted over - all very satisfying
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