how long to begin seeing results when eating 1200 cals



  • kissmekates101
    thanks for all the advice everyone!!

    for the record I am not trying to lose a serious amount of weight just 8 to 10 pounds and TONE. I burn about 500 calories just working out (not counting all the weight training I do) and mpf has always suggested 1200 since my bmr is around 1400 to 1500 and I am definitely not going to eat 1000 cals or less. I always believed if I upped my intake I wouldn't lose at all ;/ but ill give it a shot.

  • kissmekates101
    and I am 5'2 120 lbs
  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    you seem to be at a healthy weight..maybe you need to do a recoup and lift heavy and - gasp! - eat a little more …you will see better results doing this ...

    ^ this actually, at your weight you probably would benefit a lot more from toning than weight loss.
  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    at your height and weight if you up your calories you probably will not lose any weight. 110 is also very very thin for 5 2 it's not very maintainable with the calorie requirements already being so low. I think you'd probably be happier if you ate at maintenance and lifted heavy. you'll find a lot more sculpting that way.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    yep, I'd up cals to around 1700 - 1900 gross. Look up some beginner strength training programs. (can be body weight exercises but if you can do more than about 12-15 reps then you need to make it harder)

    Have patience :smile:
  • youtubeworkouter
    youtubeworkouter Posts: 19 Member
    have you tried taking measurements? on the weeks i don't see weight loss, I might see loss by way of cm or inches.