Success using excess arm fat as hang-gliding equipment? neither... I flap and I flap these bad boys and all they seem to do is jiggle and do a great reverse Popeye impersonation.... So I'm a married, early 30 something (you really do start forgetting which 30 you are after the first one), looking for support as I again try to tackle the extra bits that make up me. I've got some at home equipment to play with, and am a bit too much of a foodie for my own good so if you know things that actually taste good and want to be my friend that would be very much appreciated. Would you be my neighbor?


  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    insanity. i had to modify some of the moves i have ra in my wrists and elbow, but it helped my arms.. you cant spot train, but you can target it with certain exercises to work those muscles