Help With Body Image/ Weight Loss

Hello my name is Jess and I just turned 18 years old. I started a job in the food industry last year and have gained quite a bit of weight. I am 5 5 and I was 150 at the time I thought I was way over weight because I have always been a little heavier than my friends. Now it is even worse and I am about 190.... Losing weight consumes my thoughts everyday. I always think if I could get down to 135 I would be beautiful. My self esteem is very low and I would like to loose a few pounds. I have no motivation and when I get upset about my weight I eat more (I have no idea why it seems silly). If anyone could be of support or have any insight because I am at a loss. I am depressed but never do anything about the weight I desperately want to loose. Are there any ways you know how you coped with body image issues or ways to get motivated to loose weight.


  • keeptehpeace
    keeptehpeace Posts: 189 Member
    You have to be realistic about these things.. you don't like yoir body and you want to change it to one you do like, but first you have to accept your current body otherwise youll keep falling into the trap of comfort eating. Is there a sport of exercise that you enjoy? Doing active things I find boosts my self esteem, and when I work out even if its just a 10 minute run I find I'm less likely to eat bad as I feel like I'm ruining it. Good luck.