Breakfast ideas for an egg allergy?

Hi! Sadly got tested for allergies last year and found out I'm allergic to egg whites :( Does anyone have any good suggestions for non-egg based low-carb breakfasts? I've tried to keep eating them because I'm a straight up idiot but tend to feel super yucky afterwards.... The doctor said it's fine for me to eat small quantities (like if it is baked into something) but to avoid omelettes and the like because it could make the allergy worse. It's so hard, I love a good poached egg :(


  • gypsyone96
    gypsyone96 Posts: 61 Member
    tofu scramble
    greek yogurt with apples and cinnamon -> this is my go to breakfast. it doesn't require prep time and is under 200 calories
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I always think outside the box for my meals. I never limit myself to "breakfast foods". Is there something that you really like that will fit in with your calories for breakfast? Sometimes I eat chicken and crackers, leftovers from supper the night before, a sandwich (not low carb I know). Don't get stuck on eating just breakfast foods and that might help. Good luck.