new to this great site TRY TRY AND TRY AGAIN

hi there everyone i have found this site and it might end up my best pal. for a long time now i have been so unhappy and i really need to get some weight down and get some self esteem back as its at a all time low. but there's no point moaning about it i have a goal of about 6 stones to get rid of or if i can get to my perfect weight for my 40th birthday next year GREAT . i have so much to offer everyone around me as i can really make a difference to how people go about there life's but underneath i dont have the weapons to make myself happy right now and my turning point is i have a young family youngest 1 years old and i love them to bits i want to do it for me and them and be able to go to social events again as 10 years being a hermit has taking its toll. i dont want to live like this anymore i dont want trampled on any more and i want to be in control of my life for once not what people want or expect me to be or do. Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."- Theodore Roosevelt. god bless everyone trying but being from Scotland we had a king who went to battle hundreds of years ago called Robert the Bruce this is a good story In the winter of 1306 after suffering defeat, King Robert went into hiding in the cave. While evading capture by Edward Longshanks the first of England - he spent three months living a solitary existence at a time when The Wars of Independence were at their bleakest for the Scots.

Whilst in the cave and at the depths of despair, King Robert happened to watch a spider attempting to build a web - the spider would spin then fall, get up and spin again and again relentlessly until it eventually made the web.

This gave Robert heart and is reputed to be the birth of the saying - If at first you don't succeed try, try and try again.

King Robert then went forth from the cave on Cove estate, raised an army and won the Historic Battle of Bannockburn in 1314 - even though he was outnumbered ten to one. He established his claim to the throne and thus the beginning of freedom for Scotland...... BELIEVE THANKS X


  • bf43005
    bf43005 Posts: 287
    That was a great story, I wasn't sure at first where it was going or how a guy in a cave was relevant to weight loss but nice tie in. That has to be one of the best introductions I have read!

    But seriously, it sounds like you have taken things pretty hard on yourself and I hope you can use some of that difference making ability and apply it to your own life. I had to google "stone" to even know what you were trying to lose. It's not going to be easy but you can totally do it. You like Roosevelt? Well here's another quote: "Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty...."

    You sound like you love your family and what better example to set for them than "healthy Dad" in their lives. I wish you the best of luck as you start your journey. Feel free to add me to give/get support.
  • thanks kindly them words are very kind it make it all the better. can you add me or how do i add you as the boost would do me great. we use pounds and stones in scotland so about 6 stone is 80 odd pounds not sure what it is in kilos . just ran out of petrol in my car so i had to walk miles to get gas so more weight loss coming my way i think. thanks again you are my first feedback i will cherish that as i go on my journey . hope you are doing good buddy?