Need support

Hi I'm tin aim 30 years old, 5,5 and weigh 244lbs. I'm a binge eater but have decided to finally lose weight and do it the proper way as beforeive done Cambridge etc lost weight quickly but then gained it back. I'm using myfitnesspal and it's given me a calorie allowance of 1790 per day to lose 1lb a week. I've begun walking every other day, not very far just around 30 minutes or so. I've so far lost 9lbs but I'm addicted to weighing myself daily and am now in my second week but not lost a pound which I find hard going as some days I'm not even reaching my calorie goal. I need any tips or advice that will help. I'm looking to become around 182lbs. However I do not like any fruit or vegetables other than potatoes which makes this even harder for me.


  • bellahopo29
    Hi Tina, Reading your post is like hearing myself speak. I'm in the same boat at the min but my aim is to lose 2lb a week. Only thing i would suggest is to give your scales to a family member or a friend and go round there's once a week to weigh your self. I find that daily weighing only depresses you more and it is more of a surprise at end of the week and it will give you something to look forward to.

    I have done fp before and did quiet well on it then fell ill with gallbladder trouble. After my op to remove my gallbladder i'm now determined to lose weight as i'm struggling. If you log every scrap you eat to every spoon full of sauce and butter...log everything i promise you that you will see a result at end of the week and even if you don't just remember you can lose inches sometimes instead of lb's.

    Keep it up Tina...i'm here to support you as we are both on the same journey :smile:

  • goingtodoitin14
    I also have a problem with veggies as I hate most of them....except potatoes:) Feel free to add me:)
  • Meggpie93
    Hi, I used to be a binge eater until earlier this week and I'm actually enjoying this new way of life. I'm just taking it day by day not worrying about the future, or my goals. Just going to live in the moment, make good choices about what I eat and what I do and enjoy it! :) As soon as you put pressure on yourself to lose the weight the more of a chore it becomes, I know! Relax and take one baby step at a time.

    By the way goingtodoit14 - I LOVE your profile pic!! Made me giggle.

    Feel free to add me :) I'm here to give support as much as take it x